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Topic: Is this Feasible using Processing? (Read 356 times) |
daiman otto Guest

Is this Feasible using Processing?
« on: Jan 23rd, 2004, 12:40am » |
HI Everybody, I am very new to Processing, but am glad to have “found” it. I have an idea I want to explore, and want to ask you guys if you think it is possible using Processing. At this stage, it is still in formation, but I think it is doable as it stands. It was developed initially as a thesis project for my Architecture degree at RMIT in Melbourne. Basically, the elements of the system will be: 1. a web/anemone of etymological roots (approx 500-600 “words” forming an interrelated web. These words form the basis of indo-European languages. For example the root magh- DEFINITION: To be able, have power. Derivatives include dismay, might1, machine, and magic. 1a. may1, from Old English magan, to be able; b. dismay, from Old French esmaier, to frighten. Both a and b from Germanic *magan, to be able…….. etc. So we have this system of relations, some of which relate to each other, some don’t. I assume this web will be organised alphabetically, by narrative. 2. An input of words/narrative that maps (in real-time) through the etymological web connecting relations and forming lines, where correlations are found between the inputted word and the corresponding root. In effect, there may be a dictionary as an intermediary phase that eliminates words that don’t have roots, therefore aren’t useful. 3. The ability to export these lines/surfaces into a modelling program such as Rhino for surfacing The intent of this process is to be able to self-generate surfaces by utilising words as a form-making process. Secondly, to use this surface (which one could say has an inherent meaning and narrative) to interact with an existing architecture (in 3d model space) by inserting it using points that “represent” roots that both the surface and existing architecture share. There are a few other possibilities. The principle aim is to use these surfaces as both architectural form, and architectural ornament. There is also the possibility of a “live-link” between the surface mapping process and a parametric cad program via java/html…. There is also the possibility of associating the static etymological web with musical notes, colours, numbers etc, having different outputs rather than surfaces.... I understand that there will a lot to do with this project, and probably a lot of computing g power needed. I have consulted programmers who have said that the task is impossible (although none of them were java programmers), but i think it can be done. I have no programming experience, most of my work is from an architectural/theoretical point of view. I apologise for any confusion, but this is the first time I have put this process into words…. A lot of the theory and intent I have left out for simplicity. I appreciate any help/suggestions/criticism on this post or via email. This work will (hopefully) be the object of a post-graduate degree.
daiman otto Guest

Re: Is this Feasible using Processing?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 23rd, 2004, 12:42am » |
I apologise for the quote mark interference above... daiman
Re: Is this Feasible using Processing?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 23rd, 2004, 1:01am » |
sounds like a very interesting project, my 2 cents: - if you need to process large amounts of data in real time: c/c++ instead of java. - if you need real time 3d on huge real-time generated meshes: c/c++ & opengl instead of processing. - the same as above if you need to interact with that 3d space. (well, maybe a combination of pure java + opengl could work, but it's not processing anyway...) i guess the issue is not only about the fact that c++ combined with opengl are faster, it's more like you need solid-rock stability and a lot of external librairies or features that are not available in processing (e.g interacting with 3d volumes...) also, i think the people that would be able to program this kind of system would probably prefer to use c++ (or do you plan to build it yourself?)
« Last Edit: Jan 23rd, 2004, 1:03am by arielm » |
Ariel Malka | www.chronotext.org

Re: Is this Feasible using Processing?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 23rd, 2004, 1:14am » |
hey Daiman, RMIT, ey? have you spoken to Glen Murphy? I belive he is / was intending on studying there, though not in Architecture. This seems like a pretty huge development project, and by the sound of it you'd have to learn programming technique (and theory?) from scratch as you go... You say it was developed initially for your thesis - is it still part of your studies, and is there any timeframe for it now? ~Jacob
Daiman Otto Guest

Re: Is this Feasible using Processing?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 23rd, 2004, 4:01am » |
HI Jacob, I graduated end of 2002, have spent the last year working on my own practice, primarily doing buildings in New Zealand whilst based here. I am thinking about doing postgrad studies, and this is a development of my own thesis project which I did manually using parametric software (Catia) and Rhino modelling. I was briefly involved in RMIT's SIAL unit, although have no links there now.... I have no programming experience whatsoever, and this is frustrating. But I know it can be done, and should be done. It started out as a way to inject meaning, or a way to interract with paramteric software aside from pure mathemetics..... a way to avoid what is commonly called blobitecture. But I believe there are whole lot of other applications. I thought that processing might offer me a way. I have been to MIT's Media Lab as a visitor and saw some of Ben Fry's work in 2002, but to be honest, i only recently found processing. As for the Masters degree, it might be through RMIT, SIAL or with another institution.... But who knows. Dont know Glen Murphy, or at least not by name (I am better with faces...)! I appreciate everyones feedback. This will be a complex project. Daiman

Re: Is this Feasible using Processing?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 23rd, 2004, 3:26pm » |
If you have no programming experience, I'd say make a prototype in Processing first, just to learn programming and make a simple model first. Then when you're ready for it, take it to c/c++ and opengl to make the actual thing you want, because (for now) Processing just isn't fast enough for that. Do you have any sketches for this project, like images and pictures? Images can say what a 1000 words can't say. Koenie