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Topic: MIDI library: simultaneous notes? (Read 1921 times) |

MIDI library: simultaneous notes?
« on: Feb 23rd, 2005, 7:05am » |
Hello all I'm having a hard time to detect chords using the tex proMIDI... how can I identify multiple notes? I'm also not being able to make the code identify if I release one key while holding other...any ideas? thanks!
Re: MIDI library: simultaneous notes?
« Reply #1 on: Feb 25th, 2005, 12:12pm » |
Hi Lunetta I have a new version which should fix the problem, I will upload it on the weekend.

Re: MIDI library: simultaneous notes?
« Reply #2 on: Feb 25th, 2005, 4:17pm » |
great!!! thanks!
Re: MIDI library: simultaneous notes?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 28th, 2005, 12:42pm » |
Hi Supporting multiple notes, would cause different changes in proMidi. So I wanted a reduced Interface for receiving and sending Midi. Of course multiple notes make sense, so I will implement it, in the moment I'm quiet busy with other stuff, but when I'm finnished with that I will expand proMidi with a second Midi In Out supporting multiple out, sysex and programm change. So you can than choose between an easy usable but reduced version and a more complicated giving you access to all Midi possibilities. Maybe a first version is available in a month, I will try my best. By the way I nearly finnished a new version of prohtml. The new version has much better and faster parsing and new classes for easy search of elements.