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Topic: midilibrary for processing available (Read 10303 times) |
Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #15 on: Dec 13th, 2004, 8:57pm » |
i've nothing displayed and my oxygen 8 is plugged...

Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #16 on: Dec 16th, 2004, 2:32pm » |
hi there, i'm running mac os x 10.3.6, processing v.68, with a m-audio keystation 61es plugged via usb and i'm having trouble getting promidi to work. the promidi jar file is placed in the code folder of my sketch and i've made sure that midi input is port 1 but i keep getting this error message which is almost the same as the one posted by amnesie: java.lang.ArrayOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 1 at java.util.vector.get(Vector.java:709) at MidiIn.openInput(MidiIn.java:54) at Temporary_3602_8065.setup(Temporary_3602_8065.java : 8 just wondering if anyone has any idea what the solution might be? thanks, paul
« Last Edit: Dec 16th, 2004, 2:34pm by paulwilson » |
Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #17 on: Dec 16th, 2004, 4:51pm » |
Hello There is problem in the library which let it only work under windows so far. Unfortunatly i have no Mac to test the library under Osx and fix the problem. So is there anybody who like to help me? (I have the sourcecode provided with download file) this is the problem: In MidiIn this is the method getAvailableInputs public void getAvailableInputs () { MidiDevice.Info[] infos = MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo(); availablePorts = infos.length; for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { try { if (infos[i].getClass().getName().equals("com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo")) { midiInputs.add(MidiSystem.getMidiDevice(infos[i])); } } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } The problem is the line: if (infos[i].getClass().getName().equals("com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo")) it does not work on Osx. The sense is to only select MidiInPorts. If you change it to: if (true) It will work under Osx but you get all kinds of MidiDevices (I think but I don't know exactly because I can't test it)

Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #18 on: Dec 17th, 2004, 1:23am » |
Hi Tex, I'm not too hot at programming in java but i'm willing to help out in anyway i can. I could test out any changes you make to the code. You can always email me off list if necessary paulw10@lycos.co.uk. All the best, Paul
Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #19 on: Dec 17th, 2004, 10:17pm » |
So here is a version of promidi for all mac users. http://www.texone.org/promidi/promidi_mac.jar Could you tell if it works now. And give me the trace of the getAvailableInputs method

Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #20 on: Dec 18th, 2004, 1:54pm » |
hi tex, this is the trace: Java Sound Synthesizer classname:com.sun.media.sound.MixerSynth$MixerSynthInfo Java Sound Sequencer classname: com.sun.media.sound.MixerSequencer$MixerSequencer$MixerSequencerInfo Input 1: Java Sound Synthesizer Input 2: Java Sound Sequencer
Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #21 on: Dec 18th, 2004, 6:48pm » |
Hi Paul That seems a little bit strange. What is your MidiConfiguration do you have MidiIn and Output, it should be listet in the trace. I have the modification of the method from a mac user, who got promidi to work after this change. This for example is my trace: Java Sound Synthesizer classname: com.sun.media.sound.MixerSynth$MixerSynthInfo Java Sound Sequencer classname: com.sun.media.sound.MixerSequencer$MixerSequencerInfo Microsoft MIDI-Mapper classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 1 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 2 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 3 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 4 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 5 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 6 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 7 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 8 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiOutDeviceProvider$MidiOutDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 1 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 2 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 3 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 4 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 5 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 6 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 7 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo MIDI Yoke NT: 8 classname: com.sun.media.sound.MidiInDeviceProvider$MidiInDeviceInfo This is just the java standart sequencer and synthesizer Java Sound Synthesizer classname: com.sun.media.sound.MixerSynth$MixerSynthInfo Java Sound Sequencer classname: com.sun.media.sound.MixerSequencer$MixerSequencerInfo Are there maybe some more people with traces?
Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #22 on: Dec 22nd, 2004, 11:23pm » |
hi, my trace is the same as pauls Java Sound Synthesizer classname:com.sun.media.sound.MixerSynth$MixerSynthInfo Java Sound Sequencer classname: com.sun.media.sound.MixerSequencer$MixerSequencer$MixerSequencerInfo Input 1: Java Sound Synthesizer Input 2: Java Sound Sequencer nothing showing up to do with my usb midi device

Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #23 on: Jan 17th, 2005, 9:48pm » |
hi tex, sorry for the very long delay in getting back to you i've been away on a long break. just wondering if you could tell me how i might produce a trace that will provide you with some useful info rather than than the standard one. is their some code that lets you do such a thing?
Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #24 on: Mar 28th, 2005, 1:55pm » |
Someone told me that the Java 1.4.2 on Mac OS X has a problem and that this project would help: http://www.cems.uwe.ac.uk/~lrlang/plumstone/ After installing this, I could make it work !
Re: midilibrary for processing available
« Reply #25 on: Mar 28th, 2005, 6:28pm » |
hi trebari that is really good news. there were so many people asking for promidi on mac. i will include a link on my page, or try to include things in promidi tex