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Topic: Sliders (Read 2750 times) |
« on: Aug 6th, 2002, 11:16pm » |
Now that we have a nice clean graphics space lets junk it up with widgets. Here's some slide bars. (Did someone say inheritance?) Note: The removing the extra carriage returns destroyed the formatting. // Slide Bar Widgets // By: jford // This example installs 3 independent vertical slide bars // and one horizontal bar int nBars = 3; int slideWidth = 10; VSlide[] vs = new VSlide[nBars]; HSlide hs; void setup() { size(200, 200); colorMode(HSB); int hue = 125; int sat = 200; int brite = 50; for(int i=0; i<nBars; i++) { vs[i] = new VSlide(i, slideWidth, height, width); } vs[2].setPos(hue, 0, 255); vs[1].setPos(sat, 0, 255); vs[0].setPos(brite, 0, 255); // Stuck in the middle ! hs = new HSlide(0, slideWidth, width-slideWidth*3, (height+slideWidth)/2); hs.setPos(50, 20, width); } void loop() { fill(vs[2].getPos(), vs[1].getPos(), vs[0].getPos()); rectMode(CENTER_DIAMETER); int s= int(hs.getPos()); rect(width/2, height/2, s, s); for(int i=0; i<nBars; i++) { vs[i].checkButt(mouseX, mouseY, mousePressed); vs[i].draw(); } hs.checkButt(mouseX, mouseY, mousePressed); hs.draw(); } class VSlide { int scrollWidth, scrollLength, theEdge, index; int pos, posMax; float scale, offset; color cButton; boolean bLightButt, bHaveCapture = false; VSlide(int iIndex, int iWidth, int iLength, int iEdge) { index = iIndex; scrollWidth = iWidth; scrollLength = iLength; theEdge = iEdge; posMax = scrollLength-scrollWidth; pos = posMax; scale = 1/float(posMax); offset = 0; // This creates a Java dispatch error which in turn hangs the whole app!!!! // cButton = color(30, 200, 200); } void draw() { colorMode(HSB); stroke(color(0, 0, 0)); fill(color(0, 0, 100)); int iE = theEdge-(index+1)*scrollWidth; rectMode(CORNER); rect(iE, 0, scrollWidth, scrollLength); noStroke(); if (bLightButt) { fill(color(30, 200, 255)); } else { fill(color(30, 200, 200)); } rect(iE+1, pos, scrollWidth-2, scrollWidth); } void checkButt(int x, int y, boolean mouseDn) { if (bHaveCapture) { bLightButt = true; if (mouseDn) { pos = y; checkPos(); } else bHaveCapture = false; } else { int iE = theEdge-(index+1)*scrollWidth; if (x >= iE && x <= iE+scrollWidth && y >= 0 && y <= posMax) { if (mouseDn && bLightButt) { pos = y; bHaveCapture = true; } else { if (!mouseDn) bLightButt = true; } } else { bLightButt = false; } } } // [0, 1] is default float getPos() { float p = float(posMax-pos)*scale+offset; return p; } void setPos(float newPos, float low, float high) { scale = (high-low)/float(posMax); offset = low; pos = posMax-int((newPos-low)*float(posMax)/(high-low)); checkPos(); } void checkPos() { if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > posMax) pos = posMax; } } class HSlide { int scrollWidth, scrollLength, theEdge, index; int pos, posMax; float scale, offset; boolean bLightButt, bHaveCapture = false; HSlide(int iIndex, int iWidth, int iLength, int iEdge) { index = iIndex; scrollWidth = iWidth; scrollLength = iLength; theEdge = iEdge; posMax = scrollLength-scrollWidth; pos = posMax; scale = 1/float(posMax); offset = 0; } void draw() { colorMode(HSB); stroke(color(0, 0, 0)); fill(color(0, 0, 100)); int iE = theEdge-(index+1)*scrollWidth; rectMode(CORNER); rect(0, iE, scrollLength, scrollWidth); noStroke(); if (bLightButt) { fill(color(30, 200, 255)); } else { fill(color(30, 200, 200)); } rect(pos, iE+1, scrollWidth, scrollWidth-2); } void checkButt(int x, int y, boolean mouseDn) { if (bHaveCapture) { bLightButt = true; if (mouseDn) { pos = x; checkPos(); } else bHaveCapture = false; } else { int iE = theEdge-(index+1)*scrollWidth; if (y >= iE && y <= iE+scrollWidth && x >= 0 && x <= posMax) { if (mouseDn && bLightButt) { pos = x; bHaveCapture = true; } else { if (!mouseDn) bLightButt = true; } } else { bLightButt = false; } } } // [0, 1] is default float getPos() { float p = float(posMax-pos)*scale+offset; return p; } void setPos(float newPos, float low, float high) { scale = (high-low)/float(posMax); offset = low; pos = posMax-int((newPos-low)*float(posMax)/(high-low)); } void checkPos() { if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > posMax) pos = posMax; } }
« Last Edit: Oct 31st, 2002, 12:53am by Processing » |
Re: Widgets
« Reply #1 on: Aug 8th, 2002, 3:14am » |
I implemented another slider class. It has the property where it interpolates between its current position and the position of the mouse to make a smooth transition. // Loose/Heavy Slidebar // by REAS int NUMS = 9; // Number of sliders HSlide[] hs = new HSlide[NUMS]; void setup() { size(200, 200); noStroke(); for (int i=0; i<NUMS; i++) { hs[i] = new HSlide(20, i*20+20, 160, 10, i*5+1); } } void loop() { for (int i=0; i<NUMS; i++) { hs[i].update(); hs[i].draw(); } } class HSlide { int swidth, sheight; // width and height of bar int xpos, ypos; // x and y position of bar float spos, newspos; // x position of slider int sposMin, sposMax; // max and min values of slider int loose; // how loose/heavy boolean over; // is the mouse over the slider? boolean locked; HSlide (int xp, int yp, int sw, int sh, int l) { swidth = sw; sheight = sh; xpos = xp; ypos = yp-sheight/2; spos = xpos + swidth/2 - sheight/2; newspos = spos; sposMin = xpos; sposMax = xpos + swidth - sheight; loose = l; } void update() { if(over()) { over = true; } else { over = false; } if(mousePressed && over) { locked = true; } if(!mousePressed) { locked = false; } if(locked) { newspos = constrain(mouseX-sheight/2, sposMin, sposMax); } if(abs(newspos - spos) > 1) { spos = spos + (newspos-spos)/loose; } } int constrain(int val, int minv, int maxv) { return min(max(val, minv), maxv); } boolean over() { if(mouseX > xpos && mouseX < xpos+swidth && mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight) { return true; } else { return false; } } void draw() { fill(255); rect(xpos, ypos, swidth, sheight); if(over || locked) { fill(0, 153, 204); } else { fill(0, 102, 153); } rect(spos, ypos, sheight, sheight); } }

Re: Sliders
« Reply #2 on: Apr 12th, 2003, 6:14pm » |
I have updated the slider created by REAS, now includes more features. - Left and right arrows, useful if you want to scroll at a specific speed. Removable aswell if not wanted. - Get returned values from least to greatest given, good if you want to get only a certain range for instance, color (0 - 255). - Customizable with colors for bar and arrows. take a look, enjoy. Code:// Horizontal Scroll // by Brian Benzinger // based on Loose/Heavy Slidebar by REAS HScrollbar hs; HArrows ha; void setup() { size(200, 200); // ( x, y, width, hieght, bar width, v1, v2); // v1 = min value returned, v2 = max value returned hs = new HScrollbar(9, 15, 181, 10, 30, 0, 640); // show arrows (remove for no arrows) ha = new HArrows(); background(100); stroke(255); } void loop() { // (red, green, blue); hs.bg = color(255, 255, 255); // scrollbar bg color hs.sc = color(120, 120, 120); // scrollbar bar color hs.ro = color(153, 102, 0); // scrollbar bar roll color ha.ac = color(70, 70, 70); // arrows color ha.ro = color(153, 102, 0); // arrows roll color hs.update(true); // update bar, true if draggable bar hs.draw(); // show bar // ( x, y, width, height, speed); ha.left(-1, 15, 10, 10, 0.5); // make left arrow ha.right(190, 15, 10, 10, 0.5); // make right arrow myAnimate(); } class HScrollbar { int swidth, sheight, xpos, ypos; int sposMin, sposMax, bar; float spos, newspos, ratio, tMin; boolean locked, over; color bg, sc, ro; HScrollbar (int x, int y, int w, int h, int b, int m, int t) { swidth = w; sheight = h; bar = b; xpos = x; ypos = y; spos = 0; newspos = spos; sposMin = 0; tMin = m; sposMax = (swidth+1) - (bar+1); ratio = (float)(w - bar) / (float)(t-sposMax-m); } void update(boolean drag) { if(over() && drag) { over = true; } else { over = false; } if(mousePressed && over) { locked = true; } if(!mousePressed) { locked = false; } if(locked) { newspos = constrain((spos+mouseX)-pmouseX, sposMin, sposMax); } if(abs(newspos - spos) > 0) { spos = spos + (newspos-spos); } } float constrain(float val, float minv, float maxv) { return min(max(val, minv), maxv); } boolean over() { if(mouseX > spos+xpos && mouseX < spos+bar+xpos && mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight) { return true; } else { return false; } } void draw() { fill(bg); rect(xpos, ypos, swidth, sheight); if(over) { fill(ro); } else { fill(sc); } rect(spos+xpos, ypos, bar, sheight); } float getPos() { float sum = (spos * (1/ratio) + spos) + tMin; // println("Bar X Position: " + spos + " . Returned: " + sum + " . Ratio: " + ratio); return sum; } void chaPos(float nx) { newspos = constrain(nx, sposMin, sposMax); } } class HArrows { float lx, ly, rx, ry, lw, lh, rw, rh, newx; color ro, ac; void left(float lxpos, float lypos, float lwidth, float lheight, float speed) { lx = lxpos; ly = lypos; lw = lwidth; lh = lheight; if (mouseX > lx && mouseX < lx+lw && mouseY > ly && mouseY < ly+lh) { if (mousePressed) { newx = hs.newspos - speed; hs.chaPos(newx); } fill(ro); } else { fill(ac); } rect(lxpos, lypos, lwidth, lheight); } void right(float rxpos, float rypos, float rwidth, float rheight, float speed) { rx = rxpos; ry = rypos; rw = rwidth; rh = rheight; if (mouseX > rx && mouseX < rx+rw && mouseY > ry && mouseY < ry+rh) { if (mousePressed) { newx = hs.newspos + speed; hs.chaPos(newx); } fill(ro); } else { fill(ac); } rect(rxpos, rypos, rwidth, rheight); } } void myAnimate() { float numb = hs.getPos(); for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { fill(20*i+100); rect(((i*160)-numb)-60, 25, 160, 160); } } |
Brian Benzinger
Re: Sliders
« Reply #3 on: Dec 17th, 2003, 4:14pm » |
i threw together a very simple slider class, and a silly example applet that connects a bunch of sliders with dodgey spring dynamics. http://pix.test.at/java/proce55ing/slider.html