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Topic: Translate Java -> Proce55ing (Read 1755 times) |
Translate Java -> Proce55ing
« on: Apr 10th, 2005, 8:43am » |
I'm trying to play a program written in Java in P5. I don't really get some of the code though... Like these: Dimension getPreferredSize() synchronized void MouseAdapter mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() ComponentListener componentListener = new ComponentAdapter() KeyListener keyListener = new KeyAdapter( String s = getParameter("squaresize"); square_length = s == null ? 20 : (new Integer(s)).intValue(); ------------------------- Suggestions? Any urls where I could find Java code equivalent to P5 code, except http://processing.org/reference/compare/java.html ? Anything really... Thanks
Re: Translate Java -> Proce55ing
« Reply #1 on: Apr 11th, 2005, 8:05am » |
maybe there's a misunderstanding somewhere, anyway: processing is "just another" library written in java, so in theory, any java statement should work, providing the proper context is given (easy to say in theory... at the end of the day: you need to be literate enough with sun's language...)
Ariel Malka | www.chronotext.org