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Topic: Draw Order Problems (Read 342 times) |
Draw Order Problems
« on: Dec 21st, 2004, 10:12pm » |
I'm having problems with the draw order. My code can explain it best: <code> void setup(){ size(400,400); smooth(); } void loop(){ background(200); translate(200,200); //try commenting this line out! line(0,0,20,20); rect(0,0,10,10); rect(20,20,15,15); fill(0,255,0); triangle(300,350,350,320,300,300); } </code> Note that the line runs through the rect even though it I send the command before. Try to comment the translate line out. Now it works fine. Any ideas or workarounds?

Re: Draw Order Problems
« Reply #1 on: Dec 23rd, 2004, 8:13am » |
That's the smooth() option. Try with noSmooth(), it won't draw the line in. That's a problem. I guess that it will be fixed soon or it has been fixed.
guillaume LaBelle
Re: Draw Order Problems
« Reply #2 on: Dec 23rd, 2004, 10:06am » |
You don't get the erroneous line overlap without the smooth() option? Mine does the exact same thing with smooth() on and off. Are you changing anything else?

Re: Draw Order Problems
« Reply #3 on: Dec 23rd, 2004, 4:50pm » |
Right, there's a problem with translate, but I guess that it's related to how smooth() works. Try to use push() + pop() to put the lines slightly under the other surfaces. Not working: Code: push(); translate(0,0,-3.4435); line(0,0,20,20); pop(); rect(0,0,10,10); rect(20,20,15,15); |
| Working: Code: push(); translate(0,0,-3.4436); <-- I had +0.0001 line(0,0,20,20); pop(); rect(0,0,10,10); rect(20,20,15,15); |
guillaume LaBelle

Re: Draw Order Problems
« Reply #4 on: Jan 6th, 2005, 7:03pm » |
I have a problem like this but slightly different. I got fed up with trying to figure out how to do it in Processing so I just adapted the code into Flash. But Flash can't export a copy of the screen content. I want the image to be smooth() and for the flower stalk to go behind the petals. Has this been resolved in v.69? Am I wishing for the impossible? Code: int w = 300; int h = 300; flower f1 = new flower(w/2,h/2,5,10,3); robot r1 = new robot(100,h-(25*9.5),25); void setup(){ size (w,h); // //un-reminder the command below... // //smooth(); } void draw(){ f1.draw(); r1.draw(); } class symbol { float x,y,s; }//class; class flower extends symbol { int p; int le; flower(float x, float y, int p, float s, int le){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.p = p; this.s = s; this.le = le; } void draw(){ stroke(0); fill(255); line(x,y,width/2,height); for (int i = 0; i < p; i++){ float t1 = (TWO_PI/p)*i; float t2 = (TWO_PI/p)*(i+1); beginShape(POLYGON); bezierVertex(x+cos(t1)*s,y+sin(t1)*s); bezierVertex(x+cos(t1)*(s*3),y+sin(t1)*(s*3)); bezierVertex(x+cos(t2)*(s*3),y+sin(t2)*(s*3)); bezierVertex(x+cos(t2)*s,y+sin(t2)*s); endShape(); } ellipse(x-s,y-s,s*2,s*2); for (int i = 0; i < le; i++){ //draw leaf float o = (s*1.5); if (int(random(2))==1){o = -(s*1.5);} float r = (s*3)+(random(s*3)); beginShape(POLYGON); bezierVertex(x,y+(r)); bezierVertex(x+(o),(y+(r))-s); bezierVertex(x+(o),(y+(r))-s); bezierVertex(x+(o*2),y+(r)); endShape(); beginShape(POLYGON); bezierVertex(x,y+(r)); bezierVertex(x+(o),(y+(r))+s); bezierVertex(x+(o),(y+(r))+s); bezierVertex(x+(o*2),y+(r)); endShape(); } }//draw; }//class; class robot extends symbol { robot(float x, float y, float s){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.s = s; } void draw(){ stroke(0); fill(255); //head beginShape(POLYGON); vertex(x-s,y); vertex(x+s,y); vertex(x+s,y+(s*2)); vertex(x,y+(s*3)); vertex(x-s,y+(s*2)); endShape(); //neck line(x,y+(s*3),x,y+(s*3.5)); //body rect(x-(s/2),y+(s*3.5),s,s*3); //legs line(x-(s/4),y+(s*6.5),x-(s/4),y+(s*9.5)); line(x+(s/4),y+(s*6.5),x+(s/4),y+(s*9.5)); //feet beginShape(POLYGON); bezierVertex(x-(s/4),y+(s*8.5)); bezierVertex(x-s,y+(s*8.5)); bezierVertex(x-s,y+(s*8.5)); bezierVertex(x-s,y+(s*9.5)); vertex(x-(s/4),y+(s*9.5)); endShape(); beginShape(POLYGON); bezierVertex(x+(s/4),y+(s*8.5)); bezierVertex(x+s,y+(s*8.5)); bezierVertex(x+s,y+(s*8.5)); bezierVertex(x+s,y+(s*9.5)); vertex(x+(s/4),y+(s*9.5)); endShape(); //eyes ellipse(x+(s/3),y+(s/3),(s*1.25),(s*1.25)); ellipse(x-(s*1.5),y+(s/3),(s*1.25),(s*1.25)); //arms bezier(x-(s/2),y+(s*3.5),x-(s/2),y+(s*3.5),x-s,y+(s*5.5),x-s,y+(s*6.5)); bezier(x+(s/2),y+(s*3.5),x+(s/2),y+(s*3.5),x+s,y+(s*5.5),x+s,y+(s*6.5)); //hands beginShape(POLYGON); vertex(x-s,y+(s*6.5)); vertex(x-s,y+(s*7.5)); vertex(x-(s/2),y+(s*7)); endShape(); beginShape(POLYGON); vertex(x+s,y+(s*6.5)); vertex(x+s,y+(s*7.5)); vertex(x+(s/2),y+(s*7)); endShape(); } }//class; |
| I was thinking of the Flash sending params to a popup applet that is written on the fly. Then that applet can save a copy of the image. I find the pixelated draw a bit unsightly though. But smooth() wrecks the drawing. Flash version: http://www.st33d.net/flash/harold.html
I could murder a pint.