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Topic: [ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ] -- (Read 285 times) |

[ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ] --
« on: Feb 16th, 2004, 5:53am » |
I had a problem since some much time now. I'm turning around on this specific problem and I'm running out of ideas. I'm trying to load a massive number of images (.jpg). I made a class for my set. Everything is fine for 67 pictures but over, it gives me an error --[java.lang.OutOfMemoryError]--. I copy a part of the code here, maybe someone had the same trouble once. Could it be my Java settings? How could I change the maximum amount of memory? //---------------------------------- BmpSet[] CB = new BmpSet[2]; void setup() { size(640,480); framerate(30); CB[0] = new BmpSet(67); } class BmpSet{ BImage[] n; int elements; BmpSet(int elements){ this.elements = elements; this.n = new BImage[elements]; loadBMP(); } void loadBMP() { String[] fileName = new String[2]; fileName[1] = ".jpg"; for (int i=0; i<elements; i++) { fileName[0] = nf(i, 3); String loadBMP = join(fileName,""); n[i] = loadImage(loadBMP); } } } //----------------------------------
guillaume LaBelle
toxi_ Guest

Re: [ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ] --
« Reply #1 on: Feb 16th, 2004, 1:18pm » |
it is (possibly) the java memory setting but might also be you're running out of ram on a system level. under windows you can change the settings in the "run.bat" file in the processing folder. the default is 128MB. have a look at the "-ms128m -mx128m" command line arguments... now, 67 instances of a 640*480 image will "only" occupy: 67*640*480*4 bytes = 78.5MB. so that would indicate that java can't actually get hold of the requested 128MB, so might want to close some other apps, increase your pagefile size and/or buy more RAM

Re: [ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ] --
« Reply #2 on: Feb 16th, 2004, 6:00pm » |
Thanks Toxi. Now I can fill my memory of Images. I ran many calcultaions on this system of 2go of Memory (for Cad Software). Normaly, I don't use that much memory. I changed the Experts settings for 512mb and I don't have the error. Strangely, it seems to be more rapid. Everything is now fixed. Thanks.
guillaume LaBelle

Re: [ java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ] --
« Reply #3 on: Feb 16th, 2004, 7:36pm » |
//----------(+) Is the movie (mov+avi) formats could be rapid enough to have an instant control on each frames to jump from one to the others? I used individual jpgs because it seems the best way to avoid slow changes. With codecs, Video might be slower it won't be stroboscopic.
« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2004, 6:21pm by gll » |
guillaume LaBelle