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Topic: storing images in array ( 'extrusion' example) (Read 253 times) |
Orkan Telhan Guest

storing images in array ( 'extrusion' example)
« on: Jan 25th, 2004, 8:25am » |
newbie question: I am trying to store a 2D image in a 2D array. I have a couple of questions: I was presuming that img.pixels[] (in Processing) and img.getpixels(xy) (in Python) work similar. I am looking into the 'extrusion' example (under images) // Load the image into a new array // Extract the values and store in an array a = loadImage("ystone08.jpg"); image(a, 0, 0); for(int i=0; i<height; i++) { for(int j=0; j<width; j++) { aPixels[j][i] = a.pixels[i*width + j]; values[j][i] = int(blue(aPixels[j][i]); and really couldn't get how 'a.pixels' work. Supposably it should store the color value at the specific position like getpixels in python but when I print its results on the screen, it shows 7 digit numbers like values multiplied with each other. Than values[j][i] is used to extract the blue band of this array (?!) How come is this possible? Besides then values[j][i] is used to draw points. stroke(values[j][i]); point(j, i, -values[j][i]); What kind of a data is the 2D array in processing holding? Thanks,
Re: storing images in array ( 'extrusion' example)
« Reply #1 on: Jan 25th, 2004, 9:36am » |
the pixels array (wether it's the screen's pixels or the pixels of a BImage) is unidimensional, i.e. each pixel is stored serially. there's also the get(int x, int y) method for retrieving a single pixel, which returns: pixels[y * width + x] the point is that this method is slower than working directly with the pixels array. concerning the "extrusion" example, it seems that the pixels of an image are transformed to a 2d array for convenience.
Ariel Malka | www.chronotext.org
Orkan Telhan Guest

Re: storing images in array ( 'extrusion' example)
« Reply #2 on: Jan 25th, 2004, 9:51am » |
Thanks for the reply. But can you elaborate on this: Why is this again a 2D array? and when you print the array (aPixels[j][i]) why doesn't it give just RGB values i.e (200, 34, 34) but instead numbers like 6048218 or 9145218? I really couldn't figure out what kind of a data the array is holding? Thanks,
Orkan Telhan Guest

Re: storing images in array ( 'extrusion' example)
« Reply #3 on: Jan 25th, 2004, 9:55am » |
And I guess your answwer will be the array stores the data serially... Is this only a representational difference (I mean does it only show like this) or does it makes a calculation to make them serial? or does it just concatanates the rgb values and show them as a long number? thanks,
Re: storing images in array ( 'extrusion' example)
« Reply #4 on: Jan 25th, 2004, 12:10pm » |
exactly, the rgb values are packed into a single 32 bit number, so, if you convert this number to hexadecimal, you will get something like: 00ff8040 which equals to a rgb color of (255, 128, 64) note: in this example, only the rightmost 24 bits are used, but sometimes, the 8 leftmost bits can be used to store alpha (transparency) information too. the bottom line: computer graphics algorithms generally are full of code which: - transforms xy values into a serial index & vice versa - encodes rgb values into bits & vice versa
Ariel Malka | www.chronotext.org