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Topic: Crappy sound (Read 244 times) |
Nekochan =^.^=

Crappy sound
« on: Sep 6th, 2003, 2:51am » |
Hello again. I'm postin' like the newbie I am, I'm afraid. When I use this code: beginSound(); nephilim = loadSound("Nephilim.wav"); repeat(nephilim); to play a high quality wav file, it comes out grainy and low quality. Is this just a limitation of the current language version, or can it be worked around?
oto no nai mahiru kaze ha tada akarui sukoshi nemutasou ni hanabira ga yureta nani ge nai kono omoi nee, hito ha donna kotoba de yondeiru no
Re: Crappy sound
« Reply #1 on: Sep 6th, 2003, 4:44am » |
how big is the wav file? size could be a factor.try lowering the quality. bryan
Re: Crappy sound
« Reply #2 on: Sep 6th, 2003, 4:54am » |
The Processing engine resamples all audio files down to 8bit 8khz mono. This results in everything sounding like it's over a telephone. CD quality is 16 bit, 44,100khz, stereo. (which is probably along the lines of what you're loading there.) For now, just resample the audio yourself before adding it into your data/ directory to keep the applet sizes down. (A 100kbyte sample at CD quality can be resampled down to around 5kbytes or so when reduced to 8/8/mono. This will make low-speed internet users happy. This is noted on the following page: http://proce55ing.net/reference/beginSound_.html "The sonic engine processes sounds at 8 bits, mono and 8000Hz."
Nekochan =^.^=

Re: Crappy sound
« Reply #3 on: Sep 6th, 2003, 7:11pm » |
Thanks for your help. I'll do that.
oto no nai mahiru kaze ha tada akarui sukoshi nemutasou ni hanabira ga yureta nani ge nai kono omoi nee, hito ha donna kotoba de yondeiru no
sc Guest

Re: Crappy sound
« Reply #4 on: Jan 7th, 2004, 7:33am » |
Try Amit Pitaru's Sonia: www.pitaru.com/sonia