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Topic: fractal brain teaser (Read 3027 times) |

fractal brain teaser
« on: Apr 5th, 2005, 12:51am » |
I've been rolling this around for a week now coming up with different methods but still no success so I'm asking for help. I intend to draw the serpinski fractal but the only example code I found was for drawing it pixel by pixel (I want to make a vector version down to a certain depth). I'm sure there's a recursive algorithm for doing it. Here's how far I've got laying out the idea: Code: float Max = 200; void setup(){ size(400,400); noFill(); } void loop(){ background(255); translate(200,200); push(); equilateral(0,0,Max); rotate(PI); equilateral(0,0,Max/2); pop(); serpinski(0,0,Max); float [] temp = triPush(0,0,Max/2); serpinski(temp[0],temp[1],Max/2); serpinski(temp[2],temp[3],Max/2); serpinski(temp[4],temp[5],Max/2); float [] temp1 = triPush(temp[0],temp[1],Max/4); float [] temp2 = triPush(temp[2],temp[3],Max/4); float [] temp3 = triPush(temp[4],temp[5],Max/4); for(int i = 0; i < temp1.length/2; i++){ serpinski(temp1[i*2],temp1[(i*2)+1],Max/4); } for(int i = 0; i < temp2.length/2; i++){ serpinski(temp2[i*2],temp2[(i*2)+1],Max/4); } for(int i = 0; i < temp3.length/2; i++){ serpinski(temp3[i*2],temp3[(i*2)+1],Max/4); } } //Frederik's triangle: void equilateral(float x, float y, float r){ float [] points = triPush(x,y,r); beginShape(TRIANGLES); vertex(points[0],points[1]); vertex(points[2],points[3]); vertex(points[4],points[5]); endShape(); } void serpinski(float x,float y,float mag){ float [] temp = triPush(x,y,mag/2); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length>>1; i++){ push(); translate(temp[i*2],temp[(i*2)+1]); rotate(PI); equilateral(0,0,mag/4); pop(); } } float [] triPush(float Xc, float Yc, float R){ float theta = HALF_PI; float [] temp = new float[6]; temp[0] = Xc+R*cos(theta); temp[1] = Yc+R*sin(theta); temp[2] = Xc+R*cos(theta+TWO_PI/3.0); temp[3] = Yc+R*sin(theta+TWO_PI/3.0); temp[4] = Xc+R*cos(theta+TWO_PI/1.5); temp[5] = Yc+R*sin(theta+TWO_PI/1.5); return temp; } |
| There's a structure there. I just can't figure out how to compress it. Any help?
I could murder a pint.
Re: fractal brain teaser
« Reply #1 on: Apr 5th, 2005, 9:34am » |
here's what I got so far. Code: float heightoftriangle = cos(radians(30)); // universal constant int max_depth = 4; void setup(){ size(400,400); noFill(); } void draw(){ background(255); //eqtri(0,0,width);// Main Triangle serpinski(1); } // x and y are some coords, b = base or length of side void eqtri(float x, float y, float b){ triangle(x,y,x+b,y,x+b/2,y+b*heightoftriangle); } void serpinski(int depth){ if (depth <= max_depth) { float newb = width/pow(2,depth); //push(); eqtri(0,0,newb); serpinski(depth+1); //pop(); push(); translate(newb,0); eqtri(0,0,newb); serpinski(depth+1); pop(); push(); translate(newb/2,newb*heightoftriangle); eqtri(0,0,newb); serpinski(depth+1); pop(); } } |
| It's not quite right. You should be able to control the depth from the functional call in draw(), but can't. and a depth of 0 should just give you 1 triangle. and since all the divisions are by powers of 2, how do I optimize that?
« Last Edit: Apr 5th, 2005, 9:54am by kurol » |
I hate programming . . . 
Re: fractal brain teaser
« Reply #2 on: Apr 5th, 2005, 10:11am » |
And here's my *final* version. This one is different because it can do 0 levels deep, and doesn't draw the triangles until the last moment. I've also learned how to shift bits, and it's interactive, this one is. Code:float heightoftriangle = cos(radians(30)); // universal constant void setup(){ size(512,512); // 512 divides so nicely noFill(); } int serpinski_depth = 3; void loop(){ background(255); framerate(10); // should be fast enough serpinski(0,serpinski_depth); } void mouseDragged(){ if (mouseX > pmouseX) { serpinski_depth++; } else if (mouseX < pmouseX) { serpinski_depth--; } serpinski_depth = constrain(serpinski_depth,0,10); } // b = base or length of side void eqtri(int b){ triangle(0,0,b,0,b>>1,b*heightoftriangle); } void serpinski(int depth, int max_depth){ if (depth <= max_depth) { int newb = width>>depth; // we can avoid rounding errors from excessive scale() use if (depth == max_depth) { eqtri(newb); } serpinski(depth+1, max_depth); if (depth > 0) { push(); translate(newb,0); if (depth == max_depth) { eqtri(newb); } serpinski(depth+1, max_depth); translate(-newb>>1,newb*heightoftriangle); if (depth == max_depth) { eqtri(newb); } serpinski(depth+1, max_depth); pop(); } } } |
| http://www.kurol.net/p5/serpinski/ I left my old code because I think it's more readable.
« Last Edit: Apr 5th, 2005, 10:41am by kurol » |
I hate programming . . . 

Re: fractal brain teaser
« Reply #3 on: Apr 5th, 2005, 10:48pm » |
http://www.robotacid.com/misc/serpinski.html Multiple recursion. I'll admit that's beyond me. I quit math at GCSE level after they refused to let me sit the higher paper. How the hell do you manage to get those images uploaded to the forum?
I could murder a pint.
Re: fractal brain teaser
« Reply #4 on: Apr 6th, 2005, 8:28am » |
that is pretty cool most of my images are hosted by imageshack. I have no idea what their business model is. . .
I hate programming . . . 