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Topic: Unable to launch processing (Read 482 times) |

Unable to launch processing
« on: Oct 28th, 2004, 3:36pm » |
I have downloaded processing and when i click on the red exe icon I get a dialog box that sez "could not find main class , program will now exit " I initial installed processing without first having Java... ( opps , I have the microsoft VB6 tools and was thinking that the java module of that would be ...enough) so anyways I uninstalled processing .. i went to the sun website and got j2sdk-1_4_2_05 , that did not work so i got JDK_ 1_5_0-nb4 beta 2... this has given me net beans - and I do not think I want that... of course I have java web start.. so my question might be... could someone ponint me to a url of what java virt' mach' I should dwnload & install... I would trully love a procedure of what might be suggested. And since I seem to have made a mess of things: should I uninstall "everything" and start over. I am running XP sp2 dellworkstation pws650 .3 Ghz , Gig o ram. Any assiatnce would be appreciated. T H A N K S
Re: Unable to launch processing
« Reply #1 on: Oct 28th, 2004, 7:44pm » |
try downloading the "with java" version, and place the folder on the root level of your C:\ drive. if that doesn't work, you should also check your PATH and CLASSPATH to see if there is any weirdness in there.

Re: Unable to launch processing
« Reply #2 on: Nov 3rd, 2004, 4:54pm » |
sorry to be such a bother .. i did dwnload the "with java vers " that is the processing -0068.zip . I unzipped all that ( 61.2 MB (64,274,432 bytes)) to a folder of my own creation simply called processing. This processing folder is on my root of c; ( path to exee = C:\processing\procsessing.exe ) I still get the same problem.....(?)alert box sez:"Java virtual machine : cannot find main class program will now exit" How do I check for wierdness in my path... What might "not wierd" look like? Thanks. I am an artist ... I have long done various computer efforts. I really look forward to giving processing a go. I trully hope I can resolve this. I admit ... I am baffeled.
Re: Unable to launch processing
« Reply #3 on: Nov 3rd, 2004, 5:26pm » |
that is very odd.. sorry about not being clearer about "weird".. go to the start menu, select "run" and type "cmd". in the window that comes up, type: echo %PATH% (it'll spew something out) and then type echo %CLASSPATH% and copy & paste the result to a message here. (to copy and paste in that window, click the icon in the upper left, go to edit -> mark, and then click and drag the mouse over the text.. then hit 'enter' to copy the text to the clipboard, and then just paste here)
« Last Edit: Nov 3rd, 2004, 8:17pm by fry » |

Re: Unable to launch processing
« Reply #4 on: Nov 11th, 2004, 2:58pm » |
I do a command and my shell prompt looks like C:\DOCUME~1\JSHUPE~1.VID> ( i suppose you might know that I am logged in as jshupert ( wow not admin... could THAT be it?? I am a POWER USER on this system and have installed successfully other stuff ) and the name of the machine is VidCmp_05 then I enter C:\DOCUME~1\JSHUPE~1.VID>echo %PATH% >> it spewed out << C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\PROGRA~1\COMM ON~1\ADA PTE~1\System;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\ROXIOS~1|DLLSHA~1 .... I have ROXIO 7... CD burning software...?? whatz that doing in there?? ........ and then the shell prompt was C;\DOCUME~1\JSHUPE~1.VID> entered echo %CLASSPATH% then it spewed out %CLASSPATH% gee... that is short & real diffrent... is that a clue? ..... end notes from shell effort processing trblshttng 11.11.2004 js of course Thank you so very much for your attention in this matter.. I do hope that it can be resolved.. thanks again