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Topic: Triangles and Quads not drawing properly (Read 688 times) |

Triangles and Quads not drawing properly
« on: Apr 7th, 2003, 4:49pm » |
Hi there, I've just started using proce55ing and am having lots of fun with it! But I'm a bit puzzled about a bug in my "pixelate" program (below). It draws my triangles and quads without a fill colour! Rectangles and ellipses work fine though. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance! Miki Code://"Pixelate" by Miki Grahame, April 2003 //Press any key to do the next iteration int squaresize=400; BImage a; int[] aPixels = new int[squaresize*squaresize]; //int reps; int level = 0; //starting level for iteration boolean strokes = false; //If true, draw strokes. //play with this! int shape = 2; //0=rectangles, 1=circles, 2=triangles, 3=quads //play with this! void setup() { //colorMode(RGB); //weird window shrinkage bug when I put this in size(squaresize, squaresize); noBackground(); if (!strokes) noStroke(); a = loadImage("uni2_400.jpg"); for(int i=0; i<width*height; i++) { aPixels[i] = a.pixels[i]; } //do first iteration pixelate(level); } void loop() { if (keyPressed) { level++; pixelate(level); delay(100); //Small delay to avoid repeats } } void pixelate(int input_level) //main function. does one pass of "pixelating" the image { //NB currently working will square input images, so assuming width=height // to simplify things int reps = int(pow(2,input_level)); //num of repetitions along height/width of image. //total number of "pixels" to be drawn will be reps*reps int f = int(width/reps); //focus width - width/height of each output "pixel" if (f==0) {level=1; return;} //if the focus width has got so small, go back to starting level if (f<reps) reps = int(width/f); //if f is small, recalculate reps to make more of the full picture width //Loop to create each output "pixel". (i corresponds to x, j corresponds to y) for (int i=0; i<reps; i++) { for (int j=0; j<reps; j++) { float collect_red = 0; //store the sum of all red components float collect_green = 0; //store the sum of all green components float collect_blue = 0; //store the sum of all blue components //loop through all the pixels of the input image that are within the current focus area // and calculate the average rgb value for that area. //(The current focus area is a square of width f, with top corner at coord (i*f, j*f) for (int jj=0; jj<f; jj++) { for (int ii=0; ii<f; ii++) { collect_red = collect_red + red(aPixels[(j*f+jj)*width+(i*f+ii)]); collect_green = collect_green + green(aPixels[(j*f+jj)*width+(i*f+ii)]); collect_blue = collect_blue + blue(aPixels[(j*f+jj)*width+(i*f+ii)]); } } int avg_red = int(collect_red/(f*f)); int avg_green = int(collect_green/(f*f)); int avg_blue = int(collect_blue/(f*f)); fill( avg_red, avg_green, avg_blue); //Set fill colour to the average colour of the focus area //Some stuff to make the output "pixels" more random int max_offset = 8; //Play with this! int x_offset = int(random(-max_offset,max_offset)); int y_offset = int(random(-max_offset,max_offset)); int max_size_offset = 7; //Play with this! int min_size_offset = -4; //Play with this! int w_offset = int(random(min_size_offset,max_size_offset)); int h_offset = int(random(min_size_offset,max_size_offset)); if (strokes) { //Set the stroke colour to the colour of the on-screen pixel in the middle of the current focus area color stroke_color; int ax = (i*f+int(f/2)); int ay = (j*f+int(f/2)); stroke_color = getPixel(ax, ay); stroke(stroke_color); if (f<2) noStroke(); //if the "pixel" size is so small don't stroke } //Draw shape if (shape == 0) { //Rectangle rect(i*f+x_offset, j*f+y_offset, f+w_offset, f+h_offset); } else if (shape == 1) { //Ellipse ellipse(i*f+x_offset, j*f+y_offset, f+w_offset, f+h_offset); } else if (shape == 2) { //Triangle int t1x = i*f+x_offset; int t1y = (j+1)*f+y_offset+h_offset; int t2x = (i+1)*f+x_offset+w_offset; int t2y = (j+1)*f+y_offset+h_offset; int t3x = int((t1x+t2x)/2); int t3y = j*f+y_offset; fill(150); stroke(0); triangle(t1x, t1y, t2x, t2y, t3x, t3y); //** WHY DOESNT THIS WORK? ** } else if (shape == 3) { //Quad int q1x = i*f+x_offset; int q1y = j*f+y_offset+f+h_offset; int q2x = i*f+x_offset; int q2y = j*f+y_offset; int q3x = i*f+x_offset+f+w_offset; int q3y = j*f+y_offset; int q4x = i*f+x_offset+f+w_offset; int q4y = j*f+y_offset+f+h_offset; stroke(0); fill(150); quad(q1x, q1y, q2x, q2y, q3x, q3y, q4x, q4y); //** WHY DOESNT THIS WORK? ** } } } } |