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   quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
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   Author  Topic: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP  (Read 561 times)

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quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« on: Apr 27th, 2004, 12:42am »

today i went quicktime bug hunting on XP, 0069 expert, java 1.4.2_04, quicktime 6.5  
(after Andy Law pointed this bug out to me)
the quicktime example that comes installed with processing 0069 does not work,  
so i started roaming around the bug-reporting section trying to hunt down a solution.  
At first when tryingt to run the example, processing just dies - to regain access to my computer i have to kill it via CTRL-ALT-DEL.
Then I tried copying in the comm.jar, javax.comm.properties and win32com.dll files into
the /code folder ... this didn't work either, but at least now i get some error messages
and the IDE doesn't completely die.
here's the error spew:

couldn't get a QuickTime movie from file:///C:/Program%20Files/processing/processing-0069/processing-0069/li b/build/street.mov
at quicktime.io.QTIOException.checkError(QTIOException.java:44)
at quicktime.io.QTFile.makeFSSpec(QTFile.java:607)
at quicktime.io.QTFile.path2Spec(QTFile.java:570)
at quicktime.io.QTFile.getFSSpec(QTFile.java:280)
at quicktime.io.AliasHandle.fromQTFile(AliasHandle.java:43)

I now tried uninstalling quicktime completely (thinking it has to do with the latest
quicktime, v 6.5) ... I downloaded version 6.1 and installed evrything possible  
(all plugins)... This made no difference, still the same complete hang, or in combination with the code-folder option (as above) the same error-spew.
Now having Quicktime 6.1 installed, i had read somewhere that this might work
in combination with processing 0063, so i downloaded the expert version of this.
But still ... no love!
I can't think of anything to do - has anyone succesfully made the example of loading
a quicktime movie into processing, work?
( and, sorry if this has already been reported, i couldn't seem to find this eact problem anywhere else ... at least not with the 0069 / quicktime 6.5 combination )
+ mikkel

mikkel crone koser | www.beyondthree.com | http://processing.beyondthree.com

Re: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« Reply #1 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 5:30pm »

i've got both the 'pixels' and 'loading quicktime' examples working for me on rev 69 with quicktime 6.5, java 1.4.2_03 and expert. am i misunderstanding you?
i know they've been known to cause trouble, i'm just not sure what's up.. unless java 1.4.2_04 (versus 03) broke something..

WWW Email
Re: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« Reply #2 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 5:57pm »

Andy who pointed this out to me, told me that he had tried this on a couple machines and none of them worked.
i just tried 0069 standard trying to avoid my java 1.4.2_04 ... same things happened, processing locks up, and I have to CTRL-ALT-DEL it to regain control of the system!
A friend of mine who's never had java installed but have got processing 0067 standard just tried it (on an XP pro machine) ... it crashed on his machine too!
Sadly our studio hardly has any PC's .... so i can't perform much testing!

mikkel crone koser | www.beyondthree.com | http://processing.beyondthree.com

Re: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« Reply #3 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 7:26pm »

hm, i wonder what's going on.
i have a suspicion that there might be something about how it copies the 'data' files from a sketch over to the 'build' folder, and that some of the time it can't do it fast enough. i'll have to look into it further (or just do more work on the version of p5 that won't do such silliness).

WWW Email
Re: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« Reply #4 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 7:57pm »

hmmm.... not copying the quicktie fast enough eh!
just tried something.
instead of loading the quicktime in setup(), i now wait to load it untill i click the mouse. My thinking was that if i was a few seconds the computer will have plenty of time to finish copying the quicktime eventhough the applet has started.

// Loading QuickTime
// by hbarragan
// modified by mikke crone koser
// Move the cursor across the screen to draw.
// Shows how to load and play a QuickTime movie file.
// Created 21 June 2003
// Updated 3 August 2003
boolean v = false;
BVideo vid;
void setup()
  size(200, 200);
void loop()
  fill(255, 102);
    image(vid, mouseX, mouseY);
void mousePressed(){
  v = true;
  // Load and play the video in a loop
  vid = loadVideo("street.mov");

...but... now i get a bit further, the applet window is opened, with the correct size and background colour (setup() does what it is supposed to do!). However, when I click the mouse, the applet freezes as before!
+ m
[ EDIT ]
i just had a look at the /lib/build/ folder and the quicktime is copied there allright, i tried running it, and it worked (through quicktime player). Hmmm!
« Last Edit: Apr 27th, 2004, 8:02pm by mKoser »  

mikkel crone koser | www.beyondthree.com | http://processing.beyondthree.com

Re: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« Reply #5 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 10:03pm »

and you've done the full quicktime uninstall/reinstall, right? some folks had trouble with updating to 6.5 but a reinstall seemed to help.

WWW Email
Re: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« Reply #6 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 11:15pm »

i reinstalled my entire system last week, which means i installed quicktime from scratch (6.5 that is) ... and yesterday i de-installed quicktime 6.5 completely, and tried to install 6.1 to see if that worked better!
no love.
« Last Edit: Apr 27th, 2004, 11:15pm by mKoser »  

mikkel crone koser | www.beyondthree.com | http://processing.beyondthree.com

triparepa WWW Email
Re: quicktime loading example kills 0069 XP
« Reply #7 on: Apr 27th, 2004, 11:21pm »

Just FYI, and I know I've said this before, ( hi Fry ) but loading QT movies has never worked for me with any combination of p5, QT and Java versions. QT from 6.1 onwards, processing from 0057 onwards. Can't remember the Java version exactly, but right now I am on _03.
Needless to say, I am on XP.
Just out of curiosity, would there be a benefit from moving p5's video stuff to JMF? from what I understand JMF+Mac are not a good mix, but aside from that, and from a technical perspective, is there any reason not to go through the JMF?
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