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   GUI test case + link + bicubic interpolation
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   Author  Topic: GUI test case + link + bicubic interpolation  (Read 474 times)
GUI test case + link + bicubic interpolation
« on: Feb 9th, 2004, 3:38pm »

* Creates a menu class, where a menu is defined
* as a simple list of buttons.
// constants
int DEFAULT = 0;
int PRESSED = 1;
int HOVER = 2;
// To do this properly, a GUI programmer will need to control limits on the screen,
// and define them.  Here is a limiter, it must be tied into your graphics algorithms
// -- there should be some class called screen or display which is the default,
// so that apps can still be made without use of a GUI limiter.
// limit(x,y,w,h);
// We'll also need something that can scroll a limit on a page.  Meaning, that a
// region of the screen defined larger than a limiter can be scrolled.  This  
// would allow for a large pixel area to be defined and manipulated, yet displayed
// in a smaller region on the screen, where that limit could be scrolled.
// scrollLimit(x,y);  
// Also there would need to be some sort of distinction between image-based
// GUI manipulations and generated (using rect() and text()) to create buttons,
// perhaps a way to define just the colors and fonts, with auto-sizing based on
// a width and a height.
// There are some other notes regarding mouseDragged and mouseReleased addressed below.
// Some other functions or classes of value:
// stretch(image,x,y,w,h);
// stretchMode();  where stretchMode() could be NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, BILINEAR and BICUBIC.
// (included is a Ken Perlin Bicubic class)
// It would be also nice if you could just point the active region to a pixel[] array
// for the purpose of "printing" output to an array of sorts.
// Something like:
// active(pixel[],w,h);  (this is like "paging")
// Also something for rotation of sprites utilizing BILINEAR or BICUBIC rotation,
// such as rotate2d(image,x,y,radians);  where a mode would be set with rotateMode();
// Though you have tint(), I think alpha() would be a nice way of changing the
// alpha of the "pen" so that any color drawn after alpha() is called (perhaps
// it could be called transparency() or translucent() or translucency()
// Organizing polygons by shape is a step toward models (shapes being actually models),
// setting a region variable that could be called would be nice.
// For overloads (or in this case, underloads) it would be nice to grab the current
// settings of the renderer by calling, without parameters, the following functions:
// textSize(), textMode(), stroke(), width(), alpha() .. and others
// bicubic interpolation by ken perlin
// followed by gui test case by madmerv
See http://www.madmerv.com/proce55ing/GUI for code+example.
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