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Topic: Launch: GasWorks 1-3 (Read 469 times) |
Launch: GasWorks 1-3
« on: May 21st, 2004, 12:27pm » |
GasWorks 1-3 is a collection of 3 computational pieces based on arbitrary associations around the word "Gas". The project was commissioned by the Gas Station net gallery of Atmosferas, based in Lisbon, Portugal. Atmosferas is is a laboratory for digital culture, organising events, lectures and exhibitions to promote a dialogue between the arts and the sciences. GasWorks 1-3 at Gas Station net gallery Built with Processing. Thanks to Sofia Oliveira of Atmosferas.
« Last Edit: Jun 25th, 2004, 12:38pm by amoeba » |
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/

Re: Launch: GasWorks 1-3
« Reply #1 on: May 21st, 2004, 3:49pm » |
"Your browser will not display this site correctly. Optimized for PC, IE 5.5+; Netscape 7+ | Mac, Netcsape 7 - 1024x768" [Tried with three browsers, including two Mozillas.]
« Last Edit: May 21st, 2004, 3:51pm by kevinP » |
Kevin Pfeiffer
Re: Launch: GasWorks 1-3
« Reply #2 on: May 21st, 2004, 6:49pm » |
Ouch, that's painful. Seems like the gallery's web pages are set to respond with that message when accessing it with a browser other than those mentioned. Not my idea, needless to say. Access the project directtly on this link: http://www.atmosferas.net/projectos/gs/11. Just tried it in FireFox, and it worked perfectly.
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/

Re: Launch: GasWorks 1-3
« Reply #3 on: May 21st, 2004, 9:17pm » |
Thanks! The second link was "gasdicht". With #3 I thought that I would end up inside the large blimp-like space, but instead the outer polygons seemed to bounce off the viewing window. -Kevin
Kevin Pfeiffer