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Topic: Sonia Update -- Version 2.6 (Read 969 times) |

Sonia Update -- Version 2.6
« on: Mar 27th, 2004, 11:37pm » |
The new Sonia version 2.6 is now up on http://pitaru.com/sonia The library includes many new features, including Toxi's optimized FFT, new Plugin detection code, Save to Wav files, and a Sample-Recorder engine. But the most important update is the new Processing-style reference pages, which could not have been achieved without the great help of Steve Hallquist. wrd homey. What else... ahh yes! Thanks to the wonderful Mr.Jsyn (Phil Burk), I now have a license to include the Jsyn source files in a bundle with the Sonia jar. This means easier download and installation of the library. I hope this release isn't too buggy. Please post here any problems (and solutions if any). I'll be in Tokyo through April 13th, so please excuse any initial late response. Upon my return all bugs will be fixed! I swear! Cheerio, amit

Re: Sonia Update -- Version 2.6
« Reply #1 on: Mar 28th, 2004, 8:26pm » |
rock! thanks to pitaru. There's a little typo on the sonia reference pages you guys might want to know about. The link for the "saveFile()" method goes to a page for a "saveToFile()" method, which doesn't exist. It's not a big deal though, because if you try to use the "saveToFile()" method, processing catches the error and offers the "saveFile()" method as an alternative, due to its similar spelling. A great bit of error-handling. The method itself works great, though. Matt

Re: Sonia Update -- Version 2.6
« Reply #2 on: Mar 29th, 2004, 12:39am » |
Thanks for posting the error Matt. Its now fixed - saveFile() it is! cheers, -amit