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Topic: Suggestions please (interactive exhibit) (Read 2597 times) |

Suggestions please (interactive exhibit)
« on: Apr 13th, 2005, 2:48am » |
I'm assembling work for the end of year exhibit at East London University. Since I'm trying to pioneer Processing down here I have the support of my tutors to pinch one of their G5s and a projector and wire it up to a web cam for a Golan Levin style piece. The idea was for a ribbon-like structure with spring mechanics that would disassemble as its nodes connected with a black pixel mass beneath it (the silhouette of the person walking by the piece). So it works: http://www.robotacid.com/misc/springyDemo.html And has a bit of mouse-drag functionality on the nodes because i can't set up exhibit conditions yet. I'd love to know if there's anything else I can do with it. I've got the option to draw offscreen with it but that didn't look exciting with just points. Perhaps I could try and make the ribbon more complex or introduce sound interaction. Any suggestions?
I could murder a pint.
Re: Suggestions please (interactive exhibit)
« Reply #1 on: Apr 13th, 2005, 7:40am » |
Hi, I didn't really put great effort in going trought your code and understanding what is your scripted behavior for your point (are they actively looking for black masses or do they just stick to them if they happen to find them ? ) but I do have a suggestion. I don't know what is your initial intention with this piece but here is my take on what it could become. You could detect the edge of the mass of the spectator, measure the edge lenght, divide that lenght by the number of "nodes" or "points" that you have and make the points activelly seek to stick around the viewer's silouhette in an ordered manner on the line that makes the edge. That way you could illustrate the movements that the user makes with some sort of bouncy follow-trough to it. You could then make all that spring physic a little more interesting by having it affect objects that are outside the user's silouhette in the way that the user really gets the feeling that his presence affects the work he is looking at, and when the user leaves, those objects could all go back to the predifined place that they were set to be. if you find the idea interesting, I would probably be willing to sit down and think about it and come up with some code to make this all happen. That may push the level of compelxity of the project beyond what you really want to put into it but those are just suggestions, you asked for them ! Good luck !

Re: Suggestions please (interactive exhibit)
« Reply #2 on: Apr 13th, 2005, 10:33pm » |
Yes the code is a mess (There's a whole chunk of it I could ditch with one constrain() function). I'm trying to blag a G5, complexity is not an issue if I read one of my tutors right. Besides, I've found there's no lag in using a webcam if you ditch trying to feed the screen with updated BImages. I get what you're saying though, the ribbon will wander under it's own spring mechanic but it could wrap around a mass creating a halo (and some springy tendrils could sprout out to boot). I may not even have to divide the length of the edge, the springs force themselves apart to an ideal distance. Good suggestion, thanks. I will crack on with it. If anyone has some links to object tracking code I would be greatfull. I guess I could track a relative central point by checking the horizontal and vertical center from the point of engaging the black mass. It wouldn't recognise the perimeter though. Is there a way to perimeter track at all? Addition: Okay, found it. Search first, ask questions later. http://www.v3ga.net/show.php?id=12&type=0 My problem remains to hack off the fat from the lean (ie: haven't a clue what I'm looking at yet). What the hell is a "metaball"?
« Last Edit: Apr 14th, 2005, 1:05am by st33d » |
I could murder a pint.

Re: Suggestions please (interactive exhibit)
« Reply #3 on: Apr 16th, 2005, 12:14pm » |
Hello st33d, a metaball is just a representation of an isosurface in a scalar field, ie points in space that have the same field value (think of a pressure map in a weather broadcast). In my edge detection example, each pixel (or group of pixels) is given a 'strength' (a field value, basically R+G+B) . Thanks to a special algorythm (called marching square algorythm), it is possible to compute lines that link all points in space that has the same field value. Take a look at the links on this page , they are mostly related to the marching square algorythm: http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/board_Contribution_Respons_ive_action_display_num_1063091603.html Julien.
« Last Edit: Apr 16th, 2005, 12:18pm by v3ga » |

Re: Suggestions please (interactive exhibit)
« Reply #4 on: Apr 16th, 2005, 12:50pm » |
Thank you very much for the response v3ga. I printed out your code (all 16 pages) but in trying to disect it I ran into a lot of bit operations which I'm not entirely comfortable with yet (still in my BASIC zone). I'll be looking through those links after I've finished a birthday party and finished some prints for an exhibit. Thanks again.
I could murder a pint.