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Topic: postprocessing a 3d scene (Read 1636 times) |
postprocessing a 3d scene
« on: Feb 6th, 2004, 1:52am » |
hello all, so i've been awake now for over 38 hours and instead of going to bed, i quickly had to try out this little idea. the first result of which is a nice little tech demo about the following 3 things: - 3d mesh/vertex animation - independent z-buffer control - new imaging functions alpha() and blend() all of which are explained in quite detail in the source. hope it'll help some of you... http://www.toxi.co.uk/p5/superGlow/ this one uses a different condition for the vertex animation: http://www.toxi.co.uk/p5/superGlow/index2.html have fun & good night!
Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #1 on: Feb 6th, 2004, 4:43am » |
sometimes i wonder if you're using the same software as the rest of us + casey

Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #3 on: Feb 6th, 2004, 3:13pm » |
I found the z-buffer cleaning trick very usefull. Before when I used the stroke() command, my lines would not disappear in my overal animation. Clearing the z-buffer fixes this problem. example what I`m talking about; Code: //zbuffer check thx to toxi // p5 v.057 alpha float[] clearZ; void setup() { size(400, 400); rectMode(CENTER_DIAMETER); //set the zbuffer. clearZ=new float[width*height]; System.arraycopy(g.zbuffer,0,clearZ,0,clearZ.length); } void loop() { stroke(0); fill(random(255),random(255),random(255),190); rect(mouseX-10, mouseY-10, 100, 100); } void keyPressed() { fill(0); // lines won`t disappear rect(width/2,height/2, width, height); } void mousePressed() { fill(0); rect(width/2,height/2, width, height); //clear zbuffer - lines disappear System.arraycopy(clearZ,0,g.zbuffer,0,clearZ.length); } |
Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #4 on: Feb 6th, 2004, 8:10pm » |
yeah uncle elout, i think there's big potential for more complex stuff. apart from the speed gain of just resetting the Z-buffer and leaving the pixel buffer intact, you could also set certain pixels in the Z-buffer to -1 and so basically protect them from any drawing operations...

Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #5 on: Feb 6th, 2004, 8:24pm » |
wow, that's very nice! ...but staying up for 38 hours is bad for health
I grow old...I grow old I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #6 on: Feb 6th, 2004, 10:27pm » |
hey, if you're interested, i just posted some more info about this over on my blog... ohh, and casey, of course am just cooking with water and "good clean logic". hehe..

Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #7 on: Feb 7th, 2004, 1:20am » |
Ah another supadupa animation from Toxi ! I found out a paper on this subject a while ago on nvidia's website. Basically, it's how the glow effect was rendered in the tron game and ho< it can be possible for 3D objects to have glow regions (thanks to a glow map). Here's the link : http://developer.nvidia.com/docs/IO/8230/D3DTutorial_EffectsNV.pdf
Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #8 on: Feb 7th, 2004, 7:29am » |
okay, stage 2: as you might know from reading this forum, there're currently 2 renderers implemented in Bagel, however the switch to new one is still outstanding as there are few issues left to sort out. however, whilst doing some work on the sources, i've also updated the 2nd version of my demo to use the overlay image as texture for the mesh too. it's all highly experimental, undocumented and probably not very flexible for general use, but the effect is quite dramatic (at least to my eyes) nonetheless! http://www.toxi.co.uk/p5/superGlow/index2.html exciting times to come, i think...
Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #9 on: Apr 28th, 2004, 11:59am » |
:@ toxi... such mad hacks. like everyone had said before.. very amazing. o_o
madmerv Guest

Re: postprocessing a 3d scene
« Reply #10 on: Jul 30th, 2004, 10:48pm » |
I used this in StellarFlight --> see above post