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Topic: cubefield (Read 1058 times) |

« on: Jan 21st, 2003, 5:06am » |
First simple P5 program. Clunky code, to be sure, but a fun result in a very short amount of time. Mark ---------- // cubefield // by Mark Wendell // silly little 3d exercise, but fun void setup() { size(500, 500); colorMode(HSB,1); background(.2); noStroke(); lights(); // add another light, according to the trick in the // suggestions forum. Needed because the cubes are // pushed back in space, past the reach of the // default lights. g.lightKind[2] = DIFFUSE; g.lightX[2] = 1.0; g.lightY[2] = 20.0; g.lightZ[2] = -20.5; g.lightR[2] = 1.0; g.lightG[2] = 1.0; g.lightB[2] = 1.0; } void loop() { float box_size = 50; float ah = (width+height)/2; translate (width/2, height/2, -200); rotateX(PI/3); rotateZ(millis() * .0002); // spin for (int i = -width/2; i <= width/2; i=i+(int)box_size) { push(); for (int j = -height/2; j <= height/2; j=j+(int)box_size) { push(); float md = 1-distance(mouseX,mouseY,i+width/2,j+width/2)/ah; translate (i, j, 0); rotateZ(8*md); fill (pow(md,6) * .3 + .7, 1-md, pow(md,2)*.5 + .5 ); box(box_size*.5+md*10,box_size*.5+md*10, pow(md,6) * 300 + 10); pop(); } pop(); } } // 2D Distance by REAS <http://www.groupc.net> float distance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { return sqrt(sq(x1-x2) + sq(y1-y2)); }