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Topic: Status 29 September 04 (Read 1343 times) |
Status 29 September 04
« on: Sep 29th, 2004, 10:18pm » |
Processing has been developed differently from most software. Instead of releasing an alpha version to the small audience, working out the bugs, and then making a larger release, we've always made the software freely available to anyone with an email address. This has given us the wide feedback we've needed to improve the software. However at present, while we consider the software to be in an alpha phase, there are thousands of people using the software and we can't just change the API or release software with alpha level bugs. We need to do both, so we're changing our plan. Ben and I had a long conversation today and we've decided to postpone the public release of Processing Version 70 (aka MegaBucket). We put out a release of 70 to a small group of people a few days ago, and as you might expect, some people were a bit shocked at the changes to the language (specifically the Libraries). We have a few more changes planned (regarding 2D/3D drawing and integrating OpenGL) and think it is better to wait and make all the changes at once. We're going to continue to release the software in numbered editions (70, 71, 72, etc.) but we're not going to make this software publicly available. We have a small team of Processing users who will evaluate these releases and then when the _BETA_ version of the software is available, it will be made public. If you're very dedicated to testing the Processing software in progress, please email Casey (reas at processing dot org) to be added to the list. We're going to cap the list at a small number to make it manageable, so not everyone can be included (sorry, but it's for the greater good.) So the rest of you will have to enjoy version 68 or 69 for awhile until a more stable release is available.
« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2004, 3:36am by REAS » |