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Topic: processing.org (Read 1096 times) |
« on: Jan 17th, 2004, 12:51am » |
We now have the domain processing.org in addition to proce55ing.net. We've starting pointing our internal links to the .org address, but the .net address will be functional as long as necessary. I'm very excited to be over the "55" days. Let the nostalgia commence!
mm Guest

Re: processing.org
« Reply #1 on: Feb 5th, 2004, 7:18am » |
<g> i kinda liked that.. proce55ing was the reason i picked it up i thought maybe if you ran two proce55ing's you could call the duo proce550rs. of course this does tread the line of hax0r which of course we'd like to avoid. cheers -mm