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   run time error
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   Author  Topic: run time error  (Read 444 times)
vic wang
run time error
« on: Sep 23rd, 2003, 5:20pm »

after start processing software, i click "run" button
then got following errors:
Issued 3 system warnings:Issued 3 system warnings:
*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\classes" is not a valid directory.*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\classes" is not a valid directory.
*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\lib\i18n.jar" does not exist or else is not a valid zip file.*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\lib\i18n.jar" does not exist or else is not a valid zip file.
*** Semantic Caution: The input file ":/processing/processing-0059/lib;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/bu ild;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/pde.jar;D:/processing/processing-0 059/lib/kjc.jar;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/oro.jar;D:/processing/ processing-0059/lib/antlr.jar;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/comm.jar ; -nowarn +E -d lib/build lib/build/Temporary_2201_3157.java" was not found.
Issued 3 system warnings:Issued 3 system warnings:
*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\classes" is not a valid directory.*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\classes" is not a valid directory.
*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\lib\i18n.jar" does not exist or else is not a valid zip file.*** Semantic Warning: The file "D:\processing\processing-0059\java\lib\i18n.jar" does not exist or else is not a valid zip file.
*** Semantic Caution: The input file ":/processing/processing-0059/lib;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/bu ild;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/pde.jar;D:/processing/processing-0 059/lib/kjc.jar;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/oro.jar;D:/processing/ processing-0059/lib/antlr.jar;D:/processing/processing-0059/lib/comm.jar ; -nowarn +E -d lib/build lib/build/Temporary_5177_3977.java" was not found.
thanks for your help!!!

Re: run time error
« Reply #1 on: Sep 23rd, 2003, 5:26pm »

if you're using the expert release, then you should instead be using the standard release.
if you're using the standard release, did you do something to the 'java' folder? like renaming it, or moving its contents, or ?
vic wang
Re: run time error
« Reply #2 on: Sep 23rd, 2003, 5:45pm »

didn't modify the java folder after unzipping the file.
it ran before. after install j2sdk and elipse, this problem comes up, uninstalling those two doen't help.
it is version 59. clicking run.bat, asking for the quicktime for java, but double click proceesing.exe , it got loaded up. then got three system warnings when press run button.

Re: run time error
« Reply #3 on: Sep 23rd, 2003, 6:14pm »

oh, you should try version 60.
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