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Topic: Processing on RedHat 9 (Read 290 times) |
Processing on RedHat 9
« on: May 16th, 2003, 3:17pm » |
Currently i couldn't run Processing (processing-0054) on RedHat 9 (Linux version 2.4.20-13.9). It teminates without an error. I can use the software on Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7.
Re: Processing on RedHat 9
« Reply #1 on: May 20th, 2003, 9:45am » |
CAUTION : This modification isn't tested on any Linux box with RedHat 9 except mine. Use at your own risk. - Check java in your linux box ; if you don't have, download and install java. - Rename java directory in "<InstDirectory>/Proce55ing" to "javaX" (or javaY .. ) - In "<InstDirectory>/Proce55ing" directory create a softlink to java directory in your linux box (Probably "/usr/java/<java version>") and rename it to "java" - Copy all the files and directory from "<InstDirectory>/Proce55ing/javaX/lib" to "/usr/java/<java version>/lib/" - Run Proce55ing .... !!!! Currently i have an error ; "java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02/jre/lib/javax.comm.properties (No such file or directory)" And Serial Port under sketch tab shows no com ports. Copying the file changes the error to "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ibmcomm in java.library.path" I'm working on it.
« Last Edit: May 20th, 2003, 9:53am by CyberCat » |
Re: Processing on RedHat 9
« Reply #2 on: May 20th, 2003, 7:02pm » |
i think the rh9 stuff is that the vm we included is a little crusty so it doesn't run (shared lib versions yadda yadda linux headache yadda) you shouldn't need to move the stuff from lib, so long as you're using the executable.. but the symlink thing for the java dir is right on. the thing after that is to get javax.comm.properties, and the .so or whatever from a version of the java communications api (javacomm) for your platform. the properties file goes in <java>/lib, the library goes in <java>/bin (err, that's not confusing). the reason it's complaining with the unsatisfiedLinkError is because the lib is missing from bin, and that particularly version of javax.comm.properties is for the ibm jvm, which is what we used in the most recent version of the p5 download. you should be able to get a better version that works for whatever vm you have installed though. what vm are people using under linux? is the sun version (appropriated from blackdown) the way to go these days? if so, we'll include that, or just try to have better install instructions for the linux crowd.. perhaps it's ok to leave out the jvm for linux, since the simplicity issue ain't the highest priority as it is on other platforms.
Re: Processing on RedHat 9
« Reply #3 on: Sep 18th, 2003, 4:33am » |
better linux support has been happening with the more recent releases, since dan mosedale has been keeping the linux stuff a little more up to date. so the more recent releases all built with redhat 9.