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Topic: Processing 0052 released (Read 283 times) |
Processing 0052 released
« on: Mar 5th, 2003, 11:03pm » |
available at the download location shortly. please read the following notes about changes in the new revision--there are many, some of which may break your code or cause confusion. if you find bugs, please post them as a separate topic, with a descriptive title like "color problems in 52". ABOUT REV 0052 - 5 march 2003 [ feature additions ] - alpha/transparency is partially working.. there are still problems (see 'known bugs' section below) but it's in there. - smooth() and noSmooth() are partially implemented. they've got several bugs that we know about but might be fun to play with. we know of most of the bugs so we hope to get to them soon. - fill color can be set for images. IMPORTANT: to get just the image, be sure to set the fill to white. - images no longer cache by default IMPORTANT: if you *want* images to cache, you should use loadImage("filename.jpg", false). the second parameter is whether or not images should be 'forced' to load fresh. - get the on-screen locations of an xyz point using: float sx = screenX(x, y, z); float sy = screenY(x, y, z); float sz = screenZ(x, y, z); - get the object-space coordinates (how the object is affected by translate and rotate etc) using: float ox = objectX(x, y, z); float oy = objectY(x, y, z); float oz = objectZ(x, y, z); - constrain() is now part of the api - format numbers with nf().. syntax: nf(int num, int digits) to make '27' into '0027' -> String formatted = nf(27, 4); - also for numbers with decimals.. nf(float num, int left, int right) to make 27.3 into '027.3000' -> String formatted = nf(27.3, 3, 4); or use zero if you don't care the number of digits: i.e. make 27.3 into "27.3000" -> String fmt = nf(27.3, 0, 4); - camera functions now work. the following is the code for the perspective camera (sorry no more docs, you can check opengl references for more info until we get caught up) beginCamera(); cameraMode(CUSTOM); perspective(fov, aspect, nearDist, farDist); lookat(eyeX, eyeY, eyeDist, eyeX, eyeY, 0, 0, 1, 0); endCamera(); there's also ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) to give you an orthographic projection.. frustum() is another useful function in this class. these work like their opengl equivalents, but without docs are for advanced users only. - more matrix math.. applyMatrix() takes 16 floats which get multiplied by the current transformation matrix. resetMatrix() resets the transformation matrix to identity. - switched to jre 1.4.1_02 from 1.4.1_01 [ bug fixes ] - some programs that used 'color' didn't work, now they do. - fixed other broken examples. - missing images should no longer lock up the environment. on windows, they used to throw an exception and lock everything up. - color for 'use external editor' works with new scheme. - numberFormat() had a bug where commas would show up. oops. [ known bugs ] - still can't figure out the 'caret disappearing' bug. - alpha is a little weird (doesn't always work) on lines. it won't work on single pixel lines unless smooth() is turned on. - smooth() is still imperfect. you may find some jagged edges. text marches in a funny way (i.e. typography04). shapes don't always properly overlap. - random freezes under windows, after running a few time. every 20th or every 100th time the app just freaks out. use ctrl-alt-del to kill the java runtime and restart your app. this will slowly be ironed out.
Re: Processing 0052 released
« Reply #1 on: Mar 5th, 2003, 11:55pm » |
some examples may still be broken.. i goofed and casey and i were out of sync when i started the release process..