Starting Processing

edited October 2013 in Using Processing

Hi, apologies if somebody has already posted with a similar problem. But I'm having difficulty opening processing on my computer. I'm using windows 7 64 bit, if thats any use (|I'm not very computer literate :p ). I keep getting pop up with the text like this:

An error occured during startup. java.lang.NullPointerException at at at<innit>( at<innit>( at at at at at<innit>( at ....

The messge goes on for while, I'd copy and paste it but I can't :( Can anyone disect what this means, and can anybody offer any advice?

Regards, oglez


  • Answer ✓

    I'm not the most knowledgeable about this particular topic, but it appears to be Processing trying to load a tool that is faulty. Have you installed any contributed tools? Have you messed around with any of the default tools? Does this error happen with all versions of Processing or just the latest (2.0.3)?

  • Its just the latest (2.0.3) I'm having trouble with. I don't recall installing anything, but tht may be the problem. Do I need to perform a system restore, or something like that?

  • edited October 2013

    Processing got 3 important folders:
    * where it's installed.
    * where "preferences.txt" go.
    * where our sketches go, along w/ any library and tool we install.

    You may start by deleting "preferences.txt". Then go to the sketch folder. And finally re-install everything.

  • I've deleted the preferences. I can't seem to access where it is instlled, how do I that? Also, i get a message saying:

    'This application was configured to use a bundled Java Runtime Environment but the runtime is missing or corrupted.''

    Can anybody translate?

  • edited October 2013

    In Windows, from Processing 2 version and on, they decided to artificially force the usage of the old bundled Java
    which is installed along w/ Processing. Inside the installed folder, we can see that /java subfolder.

    You either reinstall Processing or make a hardlink joint to the Java already present in your system.

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