How would I go about creating this interactive wave effect?

There's a nice canvas effect on this website ( When you mouse over the different sections there's a wobbly wave effect. Could you make this using p5 and if so how would one go about it?


  • float[] midpoints;
    float time = 500;
    color bg = rcolor();
    color cf = rcolor();
    int reset_at = -1;
    void setup() {
      size(600, 400);
      midpoints = new float[2+width/20];
    void reset() {
      cf = bg;
      bg = rcolor();
      float py = random(height/4, 3*height/4);
      for (int i=0; i<midpoints.length; i++) {
        py += random(-60, 60);
        midpoints[i] = py;
      reset_at = int(millis() + (2*time));
    void draw() {
      if (millis() > reset_at) {
      if (millis()%(2*time)<time) {
        vertex(0, lerp(0, midpoints[0], (millis()%time) / time));
      } else {
        vertex(0, lerp(midpoints[0], height, (millis()%time) / time));
      for (int i=1; i<midpoints.length; i++) {
        if (millis()%(2*time)<time) {
          curveVertex(20*i, lerp(0, midpoints[i], (millis()%time) / time));
        } else {
          curveVertex(20*i, lerp(midpoints[i], height, (millis()%time) / time));
      vertex(width, height);
      vertex(0, height);
    color rcolor() {
      return(color(random(255), random(255), random(255)));

    This is about as far as I got trying to replicate it. Not sure why the colors flicker wrong. Maybe someone else can take it from here.

  • I don't think I explained well enough here. I meant once the page has loaded and there three different coloured sections. when you pass the cursor through the different sections, their bounding box wobbles like a jelly effect. You can see below in the image. Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 14.15.38

  • Great effect @TfGuy44. Thxs for sharing it (A+ for effort and intentions!)


  • their bounding box wobbles like a jelly effect

    it also makes my CPU go crazy, solid 100% utilisation of one of the cores.

  • Sorry, I'd also like to say thanks @TfGuy44 for your effort and intentions. Also I'm not bothered about optimisation or anything, I'd just like to know a way of obtaining this or any similar interactive effect for educational purposes. Doesn't have to be exact I'd just like to learn the principles because I don't even know where I would start at this point. Thanks.

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