libxd - A Processing inspired graphics library for C++

Hi everyone!

I'd like to announce a new library that I've been working on called libxd. It's written from scratch in C++ and has a very similar API like Processing or p5.js. libxd is available for all major operating systems and is well documented (see for yourself). It should be fairly simple to get started and write your first sketches. Prior knowledge of C++ is useful but not mandatory. Bare in mind, libxd currently only supports 2D graphics but being OpenGL-based it could potentially be extended to 3D in the future (hence the name libxd, I know probably noone will get it :p). Most of the essential features of Processing and p5.js are also available for libxd, but I guess there is a lot of room for improvement!

This announcement should not only be addressed to end users but also to experienced C++ developers interested in getting involved in the development of libxd. Being a Java web developer myself, I'm kind of a rookie when it comes to C++, so feel free to leave some feedback or open a pull-request, I'd really appreciate it :)

libxd is Open Source and has been published on GitHub under LGPL 2.1.

Links that could be of interest:

Happy coding!

~Bernhard Fritz



  • I always wanted processing in c++ . It may be used for game making as java is very slow compered to c++.
    nice work.
    thank you so much for sharing this.

  • Glad you like it :) I'd be curious to see what you create with it!

  • I can't help but read that as libgdx.

  • Hmm true, now that you mention it :p. In the beginning I was about to call it lib2d but unfortunately that name was already taken. This is why I ultimately sticked with libxd. To me it was only important that the name started with "lib". I am open to suggestions, if there is enough interest, I'd be ok with renaming it.

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