Random video

edited July 2017 in Library Questions

Hi everyone, a newbie question here. I´m trying to select video files that will play in a random sequence. Every time I replay the sketch I see a new video, but does anyone know how to get them to play in sequence without refreshing the sketch? I´m probably missing something obvious here, grateful for any help!

import processing.video.*;

String[]vid = {"action1.mp4", "action2.mp4", "action3.mp4", "action4.mp4", "action5.mp4", "action6.mp4"};

Movie movie;

void setup() {
  size(480, 270);
  background (255);
  movie = new Movie(this, vid[int(random(1, 6))]);

void movieEvent(Movie m) {

void draw() {
  image(movie, 0, 0 );


  • random(1, 6) gives you a number from 1 to 5, inclusive. You should use instead either random(6) or random(0,6) which they are equivalent. You need to consider the position 0 as well since array indices start at zero and not at 1.

    Now, you generate a new sequence of random numbers every time you run this sketch. If you do not want that, then you could just not use random and instead, randomize the entrance of filenames manually.

    For playing videos sequentially, check this: https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/23419/video-play-random-video-sequence#latest


  • Thanks for your help krafjer! I changed the code to random(6), to include all of the videos. It seems like my problem still lingers though; when I run the sketch only one random number is generated, instead of a sequence of numbers. When you write about randomizing the entrance of filenames manually, do you mean by using some input? Thanks for the link, I will give it a go.

  • Every time I replay the sketch I see a new video, but does anyone know how to get them to play in sequence without refreshing the sketch?

    Instead of movie = new Movie(this, vid[int(random(6))]); you could do:

    int[] mylist ={3,5,2,4,0,1};   //This can be place at a global scope
    movie = new Movie(this, vid[mylist[0]]);


  • Thanks jeremydouglass, I´ll check that out!

  • Thanks again kfrajer for your input! I tried the code out, but unfortunately won´t get it to work. One video plays, but this time it´s the same every time I replay the sketch.

  • Every time I replay the sketch I see a new video, but does anyone know how to get them to play in sequence without refreshing the sketch

    Ok, for this, you need to check the first link I provided, my post on July 14th. Give it a try and if you are stuck, just reply below. start by providing only three video names. If you want 5 video, it is a small easy change. What is important is to have the sketch running. When it is running, you need to use the keys: a s d to make each section play a video.


  • I´ll give it a try! Thanks kfrajer.

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