Alien Pong Help!

edited December 2014 in Questions about Code

I am creating a game with Processing 2.0 and I've posted my code below. What I want to have happen is for the asteroids to move independently of each other. When they bounce on the alien's head, I want the one that hit the alien to disappear and for the score to go up one point. When the asteroid disappears, I want one or more asteroids to regenerate and do the same thing. When one is missed, the user loses. I can make the asteroids into a basic shape if that makes it any easier. Can anyone help??

PImage space, alien, asteroid, asteroid2, whirl;
PFont font;
int base = 225; //where the asteroid hits the alien
int x, y, x1, y1, gameScore = 0;
int changeX = -3;
int changeY = -3;
int gameOver = 0;

void setup() {
//background of space image
  space = loadImage("space.jpg");
  size(space.width, space.height); //Dimensions: 1131 x 707

 // whirl = loadImage("whirl.jpg");
 // size(space.width, space.height);

//variables for images  
  x = (int)random(width);
  y = height-base;
  x1 = (int)random(width);
  y1 = height-base; 

//alien image
  alien = loadImage("alien.png"); 
//asteroid images
  asteroid = loadImage("asteroid.png");
  asteroid2 = loadImage("asteroid2.png");

void draw() {
  if(gameOver==0) {

//font and score   
  font = loadFont("Candara-Bold-48.vlw");
  text("score: "+gameScore, width - 200, height - 50);

//alien moving   
  image(alien, mouseX, 520);

//asteroid bouncing  
  image(asteroid, x, y);
  image(asteroid2, x1, y1);

  x = x + changeX;
  y = y + changeY;

  if (x < 0 | x > width) {
    changeX = -changeX;

  if (y < 0) {
    changeY = -changeY;

  if (y > height-base) {
    //check whether it is falling inside space or not
    if (x > mouseX && x < mouseX + 200) {
      changeY = -changeY; //bounce back

    else {

  x1 = x1 + changeX;
  y1 = y1 + changeY;

  if (x1 < 0 | x1 > width) {
    changeX = -changeX;

  if (y1 < 0) {
    changeY = -changeY;

  if (y1 > height-base) {
    //check whether it is falling inside space or not
    if (x1 > mouseX && x1 < mouseX + 200) {
      changeY = -changeY; //bounce back

    else {

//game over and restart function
  else {
    text("Game Over!",width/2,height/2);
    text("CLICK TO RESTART",width/2,height/2+50);

void gameOverSplash() {

void mouseClicked() { //click the black screen or double click the regular screen to restart the game


  • Formatting your code

    go back to your post and edit it

    you need to leave 3 empty lines before and after the code

    then select the code without these 6 lines

    hit ctrl-k (or "C" in the mini command bar)

    click save

    in the IDE of processing

    also in the IDE of processing you can hit ctrl-t to auto-format code (indents)


  • I can make the asteroids into a basic shape if that makes it any easier.

    yes, please. Since we don't have your images we can't run your code otherwise.

  • double post

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