configure resolution while exporting a capture

edited September 2014 in Programming Questions

Hello, I would like to export a capture of my animation made with processing. It is for a poster so I need a picture of 300 DPI. (dixit the printer)

the basic method saveFrame() give me a picture of 72 PPP ; the method with the pdf library link > Single Frame from an Animation (With Screen Display) give a pdf file - which then I can export in a picture file via libreOffice - of 96 PPP

I know there is the "manual method" : multiply by three all the size of my project, export, and then reduce the picture. but I wanted to know if there is another easiest solution ?



  • Answer ✓

    DPI for a bitmap image is an abstract concept, actually. I can change this value without changing anything else in an image. An image visualization software can use this value to print out the image (using the "orignal size" setting, computed from this DPI value), but it can also scale it.

    So, yes, you have to compute the size in pixels yourself, and scale your image accordingly. Don't take in account the DPI value saved by Processing.

    For PDF files, when purely vectorial, the concept of DPI is even more useless...

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