Proscene v2.0.0 Released

Proscene v2.0.0 is out. Being a stable release, it should now be possible to import it directly from your PDE. Otherwise download it here and extract it to your sketchbook libraries folder.

The library aims at providing interactivity to Frames (coordinate systems) allowing picking and motion control of objects, including the Eye, which in 3D is referred to as the Camera. Version 2 introduces a new library design supporting all the features found in version 1 plus some others. Perhaps the three key new features are:

  1. Cross-platform support: the new library architecture separates the core functionalities from the language/platform where target applications are to be run. ProScene may be regarded just as an interface between that core and Processing. Details may be found here. The Demos.MatrixShader example shows a taste of it.
  2. Support to all sorts of interaction mechanisms, including the standard mouse and keyboard, but not being particularly tie to any of them. i.e., it's device agnostic by design. The examples of the Input section illustrate the approach.
  3. Support for 2D as well as 3D Processing renderers. Many of the examples are available in both cases.

Combined, features 1. and 2., represent the foundation to implement a wide range of setups ranging from simple to very complex ones. For instance, we already began a ProScene Android port, which is currently taken place at its own fork. We hope to integrate it back upstream once TouchEvents are directly supported in Processing. We also plan a first release of the Android port soon, so please stay tuned. In the mean time, have a look at the examples.Demos.Android2DOF,examples.Demos.Android3DOF which only require the Android-mode of Processing to run. We also implemented a kinect interface to control the camera on top of that foundation. The demo may be found at examples.Demos.Kinect5DOF and the gestures implemented to control the camera here. Finally, we hope that the Version 2 cycle will see the first Java-Script port taking the most out of our approach.

This release also includes additional examples illustrating most of the new features. We are confident that a learn-by-example methodology is the main (and most entertained) way to get use to them. The API has also been thoroughly reviewed and fully documented.

Happy hacking!


Thanks to Eduardo Moriana and Miguel Parra for their contributions with the TUIO-based touch and kinect interfaces, respectively. Thanks to experimental computational designer Amnon Owed for his collaboration with polishing the KeyFrameInterpolator sub-system. Thanks to Jacques Maire for providing most of the examples found at the contrib section. Thansk to Andres Colubri for his continuous support and thorough insights. Thanks to Victor Forero who is developing the proscene Android port. Thanks also to all ProScene users whose sketchs and library hacks always amaze us and inspire us.

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