Difficulty with Transition

Hello everyone. I am pretty new to processing, and i want to know if it is possible to translate a class to wherever mouseX is? I have tried using the translate command but it says "unexpected token: 200" on line 12. If someone could link me somewhere or answer this that would be great! Thank you! :D

                            void setup()

                void draw()
                  public class robot
                  bezier(800, 20, 800, 20,  800, 340, 400, 340);
                  bezier(800, 20, 800, 20,  800, 340, 400, 300);
                  line(800, 20, 900, 30);
                  line(800, 20, 800, 0);
                  line(800, 20, 700, 10);
                  robot translate(mouseX,mouseX);


  • This syntax doesn't really make sense, and it doesn't make sense to "translate a class".

    Why are you declaring a class inside a function? Why do you have function calls (rather than function definitions) inside that class?

    What exactly are you trying to do?

  • I want to move the entire shape formed in the robot class over to where mouseX is

  • edited April 2014 Answer ✓

    The best way to do this is to parameterize what you're drawing. Use variables whose values you can change instead of hard-coded numbers like you're using now. I wrote a tutorial on this here: http://staticvoidgames.com/tutorials/basicConcepts/Variables.jsp

  • You just need correct syntax and order of call:

    void setup()
      size(1500, 1000);
    void draw()
      translate(mouseX, mouseY);
    void drawRobot()
      ellipse(200, 300, 400, 500);
      bezier(800, 20, 800, 20, 800, 340, 400, 340);
      bezier(800, 20, 800, 20, 800, 340, 400, 300);
      line(800, 20, 900, 30);
      line(800, 20, 800, 0);
      line(800, 20, 700, 10);
      ellipse(130, 150, 100, 100);
      ellipse(270, 150, 100, 100);

    Note: I replaced your second mouseX with a mouseY...

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