Kinect - Background removal with video

edited April 2014 in Kinect

Hello everyone ! I'm a french student in communication and i have a problem : I need to use the kinect to remove a background behind someone, and put a video (in loop) as new background :) I'm working with processing 2.1.1. and SimpleOpenNI Version 1.96

I find this code, who remove the background and put an image, but i need a video :/

If someone has any idea ! :)

import processing.opengl.*;
import SimpleOpenNI.*;
//install this on your machine and also the library in processing

SimpleOpenNI kinect;
//based on Greg's Book Making things see.
boolean tracking = false;
int userID; int[] userMap;
// declare our images
PImage backgroundImage;
PImage resultImage;
void setup() {
  size(640*2, 480);
  // load the background image
  backgroundImage = loadImage("");
  kinect = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
  if(kinect.isInit() == false)
     println("Can't init SimpleOpenNI, maybe the camera is not connected!");

  // enable depthMap generation

  // enable skeleton generation for all joints
  // enable color image from the Kinect
  //enable the finding of users but dont' worry about skeletons

  // turn on depth/color alignment
  //create a buffer image to work with instead of using sketch pixels
  resultImage = new PImage(640, 480, RGB);
void draw() {
  // get the Kinect color image
  PImage rgbImage = kinect.rgbImage();

  image(rgbImage, 640, 0);
  if (tracking) {
    //ask kinect for bitmap of user pixels
    userMap = kinect.userMap();
    for (int i =0; i < userMap.length; i++) {
      // if the pixel is part of the user
      if (userMap[i] != 0) {
        // set the pixel to the color pixel
        resultImage.pixels[i] = rgbImage.pixels[i];
      else {
        //set it to the background
        resultImage.pixels[i] = backgroundImage.pixels[i];

    //update the pixel from the inner array to image
    image(resultImage, 0, 0);

void onNewUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
 userID = userId;
  tracking = true;

void onLostUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
  println("onLostUser - userId: " + userId);

void onVisibleUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
  //println("onVisibleUser - userId: " + userId);





  • edited April 2014

    You can try this but I am not sure whether it would work or not. I don't have Kinect so I can test it by myself so tell me if you get any success.

    import processing.opengl.*;
    import*; // I have added : importing processing video library
    import SimpleOpenNI.*;
    //install this on your machine and also the library in processing
    //<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>;
    SimpleOpenNI kinect;
    Movie mov; // I have added: Creating movie object
    //based on Greg's Book Making things see.
    boolean tracking = false;
    int userID; 
    int[] userMap;
    // declare our images
    PImage backgroundImage;
    PImage resultImage;
    void movieEvent(Movie m) { // movie reading;
    void setup() {
      size(640*2, 480, P3D); // use P3D with size. It will make your program a bit faster becuase it uses system GPU for calculation and graphics rendering
      // load the background image
      //  backgroundImage = loadImage("Test.jpg"); // I have commented it becuase you don't want it
      mov = new Movie(this, ""); // I have added: load a movie file  
      kinect = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
      if (kinect.isInit() == false)
        println("Can't init SimpleOpenNI, maybe the camera is not connected!");
      // enable depthMap generation
      // enable skeleton generation for all joints
      // enable color image from the Kinect
      //enable the finding of users but dont' worry about skeletons
      // turn on depth/color alignment
      //create a buffer image to work with instead of using sketch pixels
      resultImage = new PImage(640, 480, RGB);
    void draw() {
      // get the Kinect color image; // I have added: play movie 
      PImage rgbImage = kinect.rgbImage();
      //  image(rgbImage, 0, 0);
      image(mov, 0, 0); 
      if (tracking) {
        //ask kinect for bitmap of user pixels
        resultImage.userMap = kinect.userMap();
        for (int i =0; i < userMap.length; i++) {
          // if the pixel is part of the user
          if (userMap[i] != 0) {
            // set the pixel to the color pixel
            resultImage.pixels[i] = rgbImage.pixels[i];
          else {
            //set it to the background
            // resultImage.pixels[i] = backgroundImage.pixels[i];
            resultImage.pixels[i] = mov.pixels[i];
        //update the pixel from the inner array to image
        image(resultImage, 0, 0);
    void onNewUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
      userID = userId;
      tracking = true;
    void onLostUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
      println("onLostUser - userId: " + userId);
    void onVisibleUser(SimpleOpenNI curContext, int userId)
      //println("onVisibleUser - userId: " + userId);
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