BandPass (minim)

edited March 2014 in Library Questions

//Proce55ing 101

EDIT: Links to examples of minim AudioEffects: - using these as reference. I hope this offers an arbitrary result for any beginners searching similar applications, guides HINTS or TIPS.

I'm trying to write a sketch to run audio effects. Looked at the minim library and came across BandPass() filters. I'm unsure of how to apply this effect. I've referenced some of the minim examples in the 2.0.2 library. However I'm fairly new to working in Processing, and not sure where in I would add classes and methods or how I would structure a sketch to do this.

@Hamold Thanks.


  • edited October 2013 Answer ✓

    Hi! Have you checked the Examples menu in Processing? There is a Libraries > Minim > filterExample, which by default demos the BandPass filter. I'm on version 2.0.3 btw.

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