Coding against multiple versions of Processing in NetBeans

Hello, I would like to be able to code against different versions of processing under netBeans 7.4, version 2.1.1 AND v 1.5.1 to be exact.

I managed to code against the 2.1.1 version (after downloading JOGL2 jars, making a lib out of it, and referencing it under netBeans... works great.. now !).

But it seems like my "old" way to reference the processing 1.5.1 jars (core & opengl) is not working.. Even with the -Djava.library.path="C:\Tools\processing 1.5.1\modes\java\libraries\opengl\library" switch, I get a :

"Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jogl in java.library.path"

I only have the JDK 7.51 installed.. Do I have to reinstall also the JDK 6 ? Should I download JOGL 1 and make a library out of it as I did to make Processing 2.1.1 work under Netbeans on my machine ?

Any help from someone coding against multiple version under an IDE is welcome ;)


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