GifAnimation for Processing v3

edited February 2018 in Library Questions

Hi @kfrajer how are you?? Please help me to resolve this problem with a program version 3.3.6.!1


  • Can you tell us where did you get the library? Did you get it from the source I provided to you? Can you also cross link this post to your previous post?


  • edited February 2018
  • @Asma_

    What operating system are you using? I am almost certain I used the same resources and it is working for me. I won't be able to verify but until I get back home later today. I will get back to you.


  • edited February 2018

    operating system 64 bit,,, Ok waiting for you

  • you are on windows 10?

  • edited February 2018


    Go to your sketchbook (not where you have processing.exe but the other folder where you install your libraries) and go to the Library folder and then GifAnimation folder. Inside that folder there is a file called Open that file using any text editor (alternatively, open a text editor and drag this file into it).

    After you open this file, check if you have this line:

    paragraph = Processing v3.x port by Jerome Saint-Clair (01010101). GIFEncoder & GIFDecoder classes by Kevin Weiner.

    As you see, I am using the code from 01010101 repo.

    Checking the repo from, I can see they had this issue reported before:

    which makes me thing you are using another source for this library. Notice in this repo, they specifically say this library is for Processing V1 and V2:

    (compatible with Processing 1.x and 2.x)

    I suggest you use the zip file from and run the example code that comes with it to test the library is working in your machine before you try your own sketch.

    I find that this library's git is a bit much... The owner has the initial repo and it supports the GifAnimation for Processing 1x and 2x. Then 01010101 did changes to make compatible to 3x. It seems that those changes broke the original version. So the current owner created another tree and placed the library there. As for now, it seems there are two source codes that should work:

    Notice however that due to maintenance from the library owner, it seems that the link to the zip library that Processing is using to fetch this library in its Library manager is broken (as reported by jpw1116 here)


  • so does this work?

    PImage img = loadImage("EG.gif");
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