How do I draw a social network diagram in Processing.

I have data consisting of a list of nodes (all with unique ID) and a list of links between nodes. How can I draw the network of linked nodes in Processing?


  • Answer ✓

    draw all the nodes in a circle. remember where they are.

    draw lines between the linked nodes.

  • Answer ✓

    In addition: Make a class node with position and text and connection

    Make an ArrayList of that class

  • There are a LOT of different network layout algorithms. You can play around with many of them on your data using e.g. yEd to try out what a layout approach might look like. A circle is one easy way, but it depends on what you are trying to visualize.

    Is this a directed graph (digraph) or an undirected graph? Is there a first / root node?

    Do you want a heirarchical layout moving in one direction, or an organic layout spreading in every direction?

    Do the links have weights -- are there multiple links between some pairs, or are should some links be shorter / thicker / stronger than others?

  • Thanks for guidance. A lot to explore! John.

  • // family tree
    // code from the forum 
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList<Link> links = new ArrayList();
    void setup() {
      size(1200, 600);
      // init nodes 
      // parents 
      nodes.add( new Node("Anne", width/2-30, 30 ));  
      nodes.add( new Node("Marc", width/2+30, 30  ));
      // children 
      nodes.add( new Node("Fid", width/2-230, 170  ));
      nodes.add( new Node("Spot", width/2+230, 170  ));
      // they marry
      nodes.add( new Node("Mary", width/2-230-60, 240  ));
      nodes.add( new Node("Jane", width/2+230+60, 240  ));
      // grand children: Clifford is the son of Fid&Mary (x-values more negative)
      nodes.add( new Node("Clifford", width/2-430, 240  ));
      // grand children: Pat & Tom are the children of Spot&Jane (x-values more positive)
      nodes.add( new Node("Pat", width/2+430, 240 ));
      nodes.add( new Node("Tom", width/2+530, 240 ));
      // ----------------------
      // init links (the actual lines)
      // Fid has 2 parents 
      links.add( new Link("Fid", "Marc") );
      links.add( new Link("Fid", "Anne") );
      // Spot has the same 2 parents 
      links.add( new Link("Spot", "Marc") );
      links.add( new Link("Spot", "Anne") );
      // Clifford has only one parent
      links.add( new Link("Clifford", "Fid") );
      links.add( new Link("Clifford", "Mary") );
      // grand children: Pat & Tom are the children of Spot (x-values more positive)
      links.add( new Link("Pat", "Spot") );
      links.add( new Link("Tom", "Spot") );
      links.add( new Link("Pat", "Jane") );
      links.add( new Link("Tom", "Jane") );
    void draw() {
      for (int i=0; i<links.size (); i++)
      for (int i=0; i<nodes.size (); i++) 
    // =============================================
    class Node {
      String name;
      float px, py;
      color c;
      // constr
      Node(String name_, 
        float px_, float py_) {
        c=color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
      } // constr
      void draw() {
        // show a circle 
        ellipse(px, py, 20, 20);
        // show the name of the node 
        textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
        text(name, px-22, py-22);
        // the mouse over effect 
        if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, px, py)<=10) {
          // show the name of the node 
          textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
          text(name, px, py-22);
      } // method
    } // class
    // ==========================================
    class Link {
      String from;
      String to;
      // constr
      Link(String _from, String _to) {
      } // constr
      void draw() {
        // show the lines 
        float px1=-1, py1=-1, px2=-1, py2=-1;
        for (int i=0; i<nodes.size (); i++) {
          if (nodes.get(i).name.equals(from)) {
            px1 = nodes.get(i).px;
            py1 = nodes.get(i).py;
          if (nodes.get(i).name.equals(to)) {
            px2 = nodes.get(i).px;
            py2 = nodes.get(i).py;
        } // for
        line(px1, py1, px2, py2);
      } // method
    } // class 
  • Hi Chrisir, Thanks heaps for what you have done. This will help me a great deal and gives me something to build on! Much appreciated. John.

  • Answer ✓


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