Change screen on a fullscreen app (JOGL & AWT) (and also request focus)

edited November 2017 in How To...

Hi, I'm running a sketch on a remote computer and I'm starting by making the app full screen on the secondary monitor on that computer with a fullScreen(X) command.

However for some unknown reasons I'm losing the connection to that second monitor sometimes... the OS thinks the display is not there anymore and brings back the window to the first display.

Is there a way to try to reposition the window to that second screen when it comes back?

In the past I would have made a undecorated window that is the size of the second screen and setLocation(x,y) on that frame, but it looks like it is not straightforward to access the frame anymore.

(as a bonus, I'd also like to be able to "requestFocus" on a fullscreen sketch)

Thanks in advance!

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