Processing sketch freezing

edited September 2017 in Raspberry PI

Hi all i have a problem, i recreated this spectrum analyzer on youtube and got it run on a raspberry pi using the ARMv6hf processing flavour on the pi.

The analyzer works great on the pi but the sketch randomly freezes and i have to restart the sketch to make it work again. Its sometimes freezes after a couple of hours or sometimes a couple of minutes. Here is the fft code for processing

     Arduino - Processing Real Time Spectrum Analyzer
This program is intended to do a FFT on incoming audio signal for a line-in input on PC 
The program is based on
The FFT results are sent to two arduinos via a string of 32 integers
More information, including full parts list and videos of the final product can be seen on

           Created: 22nd Sep 2013 by Stephen Singh
     Last Modified: 10th May 2014 by Stephen Singh

     Variables with the <-O-> symbol indicates that it can be adjusted for the reason specified

import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
import processing.serial.*; 

Serial port1; 
Serial port2;

Minim minim;
AudioInput in;
FFT fft;

int buffer_size = 4096; 
float sample_rate = 200000;

int freq_width = 250; // <-O-> set the frequency range for each band over 400hz. larger bands will have less intensity per band. smaller bands would result in the overall range being limited

//arrays to hold the 64 bands' data
int[] freq_array = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
float[] freq_height = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

void setup()
  size(200, 200);

  minim = new Minim(this);
  port1 = new Serial(this, "COM3" , 115200); // <-O-> set baud rate and port for first RGB matrix
  port2 = new Serial(this, "COM4" , 115200); // <-O-> set baud rate and port for second RGB matrix

  in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO,buffer_size,sample_rate);

  // create an FFT object that has a time-domain buffer 
  // the same size as line-in's sample buffer
  fft = new FFT(in.bufferSize(), in.sampleRate());
  // Tapered window important for log-domain display

void draw()
for(int k=0; k<64; k++){
freq_array[k] = 0;

  // perform a forward FFT on the samples in input buffer

  freq_height[0] = fft.calcAvg((float) 0, (float) 30);
  freq_height[1] = fft.calcAvg((float) 31, (float) 60);
  freq_height[2] = fft.calcAvg((float) 61, (float) 100);
  freq_height[3] = fft.calcAvg((float) 101, (float) 150);
  freq_height[4] = fft.calcAvg((float) 151, (float) 200);
  freq_height[5] = fft.calcAvg((float) 201, (float) 250);
  freq_height[6] = fft.calcAvg((float) 251, (float) 300);
  freq_height[7] = fft.calcAvg((float) 301, (float) 350);
  freq_height[8] = fft.calcAvg((float) 351, (float) 400);

  for(int n = 9; n < 64; n++)
  freq_height[n] = fft.calcAvg((float) (351+(freq_width*(n-9))), (float) (500+(freq_width*(n-9))));

  freq_height[64] = (fft.calcAvg((float) 20, (float) 60));

  // <-O-> Log scaling function. Feel free to adjust x and y

  float x = 8;
  float y = 3;
  for(int j=0; j<64; j++){    
    freq_height[j] = freq_height[j]*(log(x)/y);
    x = x + (x); 

// Amplitude Ranges  if else tree
    for(int j=0; j<65; j++){    
    if (freq_height[j] < 2000 && freq_height[j] > 180){freq_array[j] = 16;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 180 && freq_height[j] > 160){freq_array[j] = 15;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 160 && freq_height[j] > 130){freq_array[j] = 14;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 130 && freq_height[j] > 110){freq_array[j] = 13;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 110 && freq_height[j] > 90){freq_array[j] = 12;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 90 && freq_height[j] > 70){freq_array[j] = 11;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 70 && freq_height[j] > 60){freq_array[j] = 10;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 60 && freq_height[j] > 50){freq_array[j] = 9;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 50 && freq_height[j] > 40){freq_array[j] = 8;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 40 && freq_height[j] > 30){freq_array[j] = 7;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 30 && freq_height[j] > 20){freq_array[j] = 6;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 20 && freq_height[j] > 15){freq_array[j] = 5;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 15 && freq_height[j] > 11){freq_array[j] = 4;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 11 && freq_height[j] > 8){freq_array[j] = 3;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 8 && freq_height[j] > 5){freq_array[j] = 2;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 5 && freq_height[j] > 2){freq_array[j] = 1;}
    else{ if (freq_height[j] <= 2 && freq_height[j] > 0){freq_array[j] = 0;}

  // organize and send the data 

    String sta = "M";
    String aa = str(freq_array[0]);
    String bb = str(freq_array[1]);
    String cc = str(freq_array[2]);
    String dd = str(freq_array[3]);
    String ee = str(freq_array[4]);
    String ff = str(freq_array[5]);
    String gg = str(freq_array[6]);
    String hh = str(freq_array[7]);
    String ii = str(freq_array[8]);
    String jj = str(freq_array[9]);
    String kk = str(freq_array[10]);
    String ll = str(freq_array[11]);
    String mm = str(freq_array[12]);
    String nn = str(freq_array[13]);
    String oo = str(freq_array[14]);
    String pp = str(freq_array[15]);
    String qq = str(freq_array[16]);
    String rr = str(freq_array[17]);
    String ss = str(freq_array[18]);
    String tt = str(freq_array[19]);
    String uu = str(freq_array[20]);
    String vv = str(freq_array[21]);
    String ww = str(freq_array[22]);
    String xx = str(freq_array[23]);
    String yy = str(freq_array[24]);
    String zz = str(freq_array[25]);
    String aaa = str(freq_array[26]);
    String bbb = str(freq_array[27]);
    String ccc = str(freq_array[28]);
    String ddd = str(freq_array[28]);
    String eee = str(freq_array[30]);
    String fff = str(freq_array[31]);

    String xaa = str(freq_array[32]);
    String xbb = str(freq_array[33]);
    String xcc = str(freq_array[34]);
    String xdd = str(freq_array[35]);
    String xee = str(freq_array[36]);
    String xff = str(freq_array[37]);
    String xgg = str(freq_array[38]);
    String xhh = str(freq_array[39]);
    String xii = str(freq_array[40]);
    String xjj = str(freq_array[41]);
    String xkk = str(freq_array[42]);
    String xll = str(freq_array[43]);
    String xmm = str(freq_array[44]);
    String xnn = str(freq_array[45]);
    String xoo = str(freq_array[46]);
    String xpp = str(freq_array[47]);
    String xqq = str(freq_array[48]);
    String xrr = str(freq_array[49]);
    String xss = str(freq_array[50]);
    String xtt = str(freq_array[51]);
    String xuu = str(freq_array[52]);
    String xvv = str(freq_array[53]);
    String xww = str(freq_array[54]);
    String xxx = str(freq_array[55]);
    String xyy = str(freq_array[56]);
    String xzz = str(freq_array[57]);
    String xaaa = str(freq_array[58]);
    String xbbb = str(freq_array[59]);
    String xccc = str(freq_array[60]);
    String xddd = str(freq_array[61]);
    String xeee = str(freq_array[62]);
    String xfff = str(freq_array[63]);
    String com = ",";
    String newl = "\n";

    String send1 = sta + aa + com + bb + com + cc + com + dd + com + ee + com + ff + com + gg + com + hh + com + ii + com + jj + com + kk + com + ll + com + mm + com + nn + com + oo + com + pp + com + qq + com + rr + com + ss + com + tt + com + uu + com + vv + com + ww + com + xx + com + yy + com + zz + com + aaa + com + bbb + com + ccc + com + ddd + com + eee + com + fff + newl;

    String send2 = sta + xaa + com + xbb + com + xcc + com + xdd + com + xee + com + xff + com + xgg + com + xhh + com + xii + com + xjj + com + xkk + com + xll + com + xmm + com + xnn + com + xoo + com + xpp + com + xqq + com + xrr + com + xss + com + xtt + com + xuu + com + xvv + com + xww + com + xxx + com + xyy + com + xzz + com + xaaa + com + xbbb + com + xccc + com + xddd + com + xeee + com + xfff + newl;

void stop()
  // always close Minim audio classes when you finish with them


I am at a loss about why it is crashing as when the same code is used on the pc i have not had this issue. I was hoping somebody on here who is much wiser than me could help me out. Also is it possible to obtain a crash report to see more in depth why this is happening, many thanks steve


  • edit post. highight code. press ctrl-o to format.

  • (and ctrl-t in the processing editor to indent nicely)

  • not sure what you mean

    just look at the first post, it's a mess.

  • @stebod

    Can you pinpoint where in your sketch it freezes? Have you tried isolating the parts of your sketch and testing them on their own (e.g. does the sketch survive if you remove Minim but use just random values)? Are you seeing any error messages or stack traces in the output of your sketch that would point to the source of the issue you're seeing?

  • I havent seen any errors in the sketch just the led matrix will just freeze up randomly, i am not the author of the code and have limited knowledge of processing. Exiting the grey box and running the sketch again will reset the matrix until the next freeze up. I havent had this issue when running the code on the pc just on the pi, could it be a memory leak issue?

  • Please format your code. Follow the instructions in the link above.


  • edited September 2017
    import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
    import ddf.minim.*;
    import processing.serial.*; 
    Serial port1; 
    Serial port2;
    Minim minim;
    AudioInput in;
    FFT fft;
    int buffer_size = 4096; 
    float sample_rate = 200000;
    int freq_width = 250; // <-O-> set the frequency range for each band over 400hz. larger bands will have less intensity per band. smaller bands would result in the overall range being limited
    //arrays to hold the 64 bands' data
    int[] freq_array = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    float[] freq_height = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    void setup()
      size(200, 200);
      minim = new Minim(this);
      port1 = new Serial(this, "COM3", 115200); // <-O-> set baud rate and port for first RGB matrix
      port2 = new Serial(this, "COM4", 115200); // <-O-> set baud rate and port for second RGB matrix
      in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO, buffer_size, sample_rate);
      // create an FFT object that has a time-domain buffer 
      // the same size as line-in's sample buffer
      fft = new FFT(in.bufferSize(), in.sampleRate());
      // Tapered window important for log-domain display
    void draw()
      for (int k=0; k<64; k++) {
        freq_array[k] = 0;
      // perform a forward FFT on the samples in input buffer
      freq_height[0] = fft.calcAvg((float) 0, (float) 30);
      freq_height[1] = fft.calcAvg((float) 31, (float) 60);
      freq_height[2] = fft.calcAvg((float) 61, (float) 100);
      freq_height[3] = fft.calcAvg((float) 101, (float) 150);
      freq_height[4] = fft.calcAvg((float) 151, (float) 200);
      freq_height[5] = fft.calcAvg((float) 201, (float) 250);
      freq_height[6] = fft.calcAvg((float) 251, (float) 300);
      freq_height[7] = fft.calcAvg((float) 301, (float) 350);
      freq_height[8] = fft.calcAvg((float) 351, (float) 400);
      for (int n = 9; n < 64; n++)
        freq_height[n] = fft.calcAvg((float) (351+(freq_width*(n-9))), (float) (500+(freq_width*(n-9))));
      freq_height[64] = (fft.calcAvg((float) 20, (float) 60));
      // <-O-> Log scaling function. Feel free to adjust x and y
      float x = 8;
      float y = 3;
      for (int j=0; j<64; j++) {    
        freq_height[j] = freq_height[j]*(log(x)/y);
        x = x + (x);
      // Amplitude Ranges  if else tree
      for (int j=0; j<65; j++) {    
        if (freq_height[j] < 2000 && freq_height[j] > 180) {
          freq_array[j] = 16;
        } else { 
          if (freq_height[j] <= 180 && freq_height[j] > 160) {
            freq_array[j] = 15;
          } else { 
            if (freq_height[j] <= 160 && freq_height[j] > 130) {
              freq_array[j] = 14;
            } else { 
              if (freq_height[j] <= 130 && freq_height[j] > 110) {
                freq_array[j] = 13;
              } else { 
                if (freq_height[j] <= 110 && freq_height[j] > 90) {
                  freq_array[j] = 12;
                } else { 
                  if (freq_height[j] <= 90 && freq_height[j] > 70) {
                    freq_array[j] = 11;
                  } else { 
                    if (freq_height[j] <= 70 && freq_height[j] > 60) {
                      freq_array[j] = 10;
                    } else { 
                      if (freq_height[j] <= 60 && freq_height[j] > 50) {
                        freq_array[j] = 9;
                      } else { 
                        if (freq_height[j] <= 50 && freq_height[j] > 40) {
                          freq_array[j] = 8;
                        } else { 
                          if (freq_height[j] <= 40 && freq_height[j] > 30) {
                            freq_array[j] = 7;
                          } else { 
                            if (freq_height[j] <= 30 && freq_height[j] > 20) {
                              freq_array[j] = 6;
                            } else { 
                              if (freq_height[j] <= 20 && freq_height[j] > 15) {
                                freq_array[j] = 5;
                              } else { 
                                if (freq_height[j] <= 15 && freq_height[j] > 11) {
                                  freq_array[j] = 4;
                                } else { 
                                  if (freq_height[j] <= 11 && freq_height[j] > 8) {
                                    freq_array[j] = 3;
                                  } else { 
                                    if (freq_height[j] <= 8 && freq_height[j] > 5) {
                                      freq_array[j] = 2;
                                    } else { 
                                      if (freq_height[j] <= 5 && freq_height[j] > 2) {
                                        freq_array[j] = 1;
                                      } else { 
                                        if (freq_height[j] <= 2 && freq_height[j] > 0) {
                                          freq_array[j] = 0;
      // organize and send the data 
      String sta = "M";
      String aa = str(freq_array[0]);
      String bb = str(freq_array[1]);
      String cc = str(freq_array[2]);
      String dd = str(freq_array[3]);
      String ee = str(freq_array[4]);
      String ff = str(freq_array[5]);
      String gg = str(freq_array[6]);
      String hh = str(freq_array[7]);
      String ii = str(freq_array[8]);
      String jj = str(freq_array[9]);
      String kk = str(freq_array[10]);
      String ll = str(freq_array[11]);
      String mm = str(freq_array[12]);
      String nn = str(freq_array[13]);
      String oo = str(freq_array[14]);
      String pp = str(freq_array[15]);
      String qq = str(freq_array[16]);
      String rr = str(freq_array[17]);
      String ss = str(freq_array[18]);
      String tt = str(freq_array[19]);
      String uu = str(freq_array[20]);
      String vv = str(freq_array[21]);
      String ww = str(freq_array[22]);
      String xx = str(freq_array[23]);
      String yy = str(freq_array[24]);
      String zz = str(freq_array[25]);
      String aaa = str(freq_array[26]);
      String bbb = str(freq_array[27]);
      String ccc = str(freq_array[28]);
      String ddd = str(freq_array[28]);
      String eee = str(freq_array[30]);
      String fff = str(freq_array[31]);
      String xaa = str(freq_array[32]);
      String xbb = str(freq_array[33]);
      String xcc = str(freq_array[34]);
      String xdd = str(freq_array[35]);
      String xee = str(freq_array[36]);
      String xff = str(freq_array[37]);
      String xgg = str(freq_array[38]);
      String xhh = str(freq_array[39]);
      String xii = str(freq_array[40]);
      String xjj = str(freq_array[41]);
      String xkk = str(freq_array[42]);
      String xll = str(freq_array[43]);
      String xmm = str(freq_array[44]);
      String xnn = str(freq_array[45]);
      String xoo = str(freq_array[46]);
      String xpp = str(freq_array[47]);
      String xqq = str(freq_array[48]);
      String xrr = str(freq_array[49]);
      String xss = str(freq_array[50]);
      String xtt = str(freq_array[51]);
      String xuu = str(freq_array[52]);
      String xvv = str(freq_array[53]);
      String xww = str(freq_array[54]);
      String xxx = str(freq_array[55]);
      String xyy = str(freq_array[56]);
      String xzz = str(freq_array[57]);
      String xaaa = str(freq_array[58]);
      String xbbb = str(freq_array[59]);
      String xccc = str(freq_array[60]);
      String xddd = str(freq_array[61]);
      String xeee = str(freq_array[62]);
      String xfff = str(freq_array[63]);
      String com = ",";
      String newl = "\n";
      String send1 = sta + aa + com + bb + com + cc + com + dd + com + ee + com + ff + com + gg + com + hh + com + ii + com + jj + com + kk + com + ll + com + mm + com + nn + com + oo + com + pp + com + qq + com + rr + com + ss + com + tt + com + uu + com + vv + com + ww + com + xx + com + yy + com + zz + com + aaa + com + bbb + com + ccc + com + ddd + com + eee + com + fff + newl;
      String send2 = sta + xaa + com + xbb + com + xcc + com + xdd + com + xee + com + xff + com + xgg + com + xhh + com + xii + com + xjj + com + xkk + com + xll + com + xmm + com + xnn + com + xoo + com + xpp + com + xqq + com + xrr + com + xss + com + xtt + com + xuu + com + xvv + com + xww + com + xxx + com + xyy + com + xzz + com + xaaa + com + xbbb + com + xccc + com + xddd + com + xeee + com + xfff + newl;
    void stop()
      // always close Minim audio classes when you finish with them


  • @stebod Having a hard time understanding what could be the issue also. Notice that COM3 and COM4 are Serial ports on Windows - those do not exist on the Pi (or Linux for this matter). If your symptoms relate to a serial-attached LED matrix not updating anymore, then I'd first draw to the screen instead, and figure out whether the issue perhaps lies with the communication.

  • hi gohai, i renamed the serial ports to ttyAMC0 an ttyAMC1on the pi

  • I did post this code up on the pi forums and a guy responded with ouch that code is unmaintainable, whatever that means

  • he also said "that guy really needs to learn how to use arrays", i dont know much if anything about code im just a guy who wants a cool looking led spectrum analyzer

  • edited September 2017

    @stebod in order for people on this forum to help you, you need to format your code on this forum correctly -- not so that the code will run better, but so that people trying to help you can read it, and copy-paste it in order to test it.

    You have not formatted your code correctly on the forum. Please go to your two posts above, edit each one with the gear icon, make sure your code is separated from text above and below by two line breaks, highlight the code, and press Ctrl+o to indent. Then save the post, and it will be formatted correctly.

    Posting Code (The short version):

    Highlight your code. Press Ctrl+o

    Posting Code (The longer version):

    The forum software is meant for general purpose so posting code can be a bit tricky.

    Start by properly indenting your code within the Processing editor using the Ctrl+t shortcut.

    After pasting the code into the forum ensure it has blank lines before and after.

    select the lines, and press Ctrl+o. (you can use the C button in the toolbar but select the lines first).

    This will indent the lines with four spaces, which is the way to mark lines as code.

    Review what you've posted.

    You can edit posts using the 'Options' button at the top, the gear icon.

  • String aa = str(freq_array[0]);
    String bb = str(freq_array[1]);
    String cc = str(freq_array[2]);
    String dd = str(freq_array[3]);
    String ee = str(freq_array[4]);

    that guy really needs to learn how to use arrays

    he's right. the above code sends about 64 characters to the serial port. how would you cope with sending a megabyte? use a loop, concatenate to a string, send the string. four lines replace 64.

  • Ok i think its right now but not in the second post of the code thats gone strange, i think the original code post is correct now and readable

  • You don't need the curly brackets between the elses and the ifs, that's what's causing the indenting.

    if (a) {
      // Do something
    } else if (b) {
      // Do another thing
    } else {
      // Default action
  • he's right. the above code sends about 64 characters to the serial port. how would you cope with sending a megabyte? use a loop, concatenate to a string, send the string. four lines replace 64.

    Is that whats causing the crash ?

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