Is it possible to run a program in full-screen and prevent the user from exiting/closing the screen?

I need to develop a user interface for an interactive museum exhibit. The user will press buttons on a screen and view information on the screen. I would like to use Processing to do it. I see that Processing has a fullScreen command. That's good. Is there a way to run the program in a way such that the user can't close the window and access the desktop/OS? In other words, I'm looking for some sort of museum kiosk mode (a simple password would be required to pull it out of full-screen mode and access the OS). I don't need all the details at this point. I just need to know if it can be done. If it can't be done, I don't think I can use Processing for my project.


  • If the user is only interactive with a touch screen (e.g. giving mouse input only), then how would they leave fullscreen mode?

    void setup(){
    void draw(){

    I thought that normally leaving requires keyboard access (e.g. the ESC key, CTRL-Q etc).

  • Yes. You're right. The user interface will not have a keyboard, so that should prevent the user from pressing ESC or otherwise leaving the program.

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