OpenGL / Performance

edited October 2017 in GLSL / Shaders

Comparing my home and my office computer I womdering the there is no difference. At home I use an Intel I5 with HD Graphics 530. My Office PC use a Nvidia K1200. But comparing a few of my programs there is no differenc. What is the best way for performance measurement using processing?



  • This question is listed under Shaders -- are there particular shaders you are wanting to performance test, or just any Processing sketch in general?

  • Answer ✓

    @f41ardu For CPU perfomance testing I recommend to use VisualVM.

    OpenGL profiling is a bit more difficult, but I recommend following tool which is a tracer: apitrace

    If you want to know why your sketch / shader is not performing, let us the know the code :)

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