Can't receive MidiMessages from Ableton Live

Hey there,

i try to receive MidiMessages from Abelton to sync the script with recording in Ableton. There is the MidiMessage "start" (and some more) which I can see on "MIDI Monitor" but I can't receive any message with my script in Processing. Shortened it looks likes this:

    import javax.sound.midi.MidiMessage;
    import javax.sound.midi.SysexMessage;
    import javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage;
    import javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage;

    void midiMessage(MidiMessage message) { 
      println("MidiMessage Data:");
      println("Status Byte/MIDI Command:"+message.getStatus());
      for(int i = 1;i < message.getMessage().length;i++) {
        println("Param "+(i+1)+": "+(int)(message.getMessage()[i] & 0xFF));

As far as I know it should print every incoming MIDI message from all busses and all channels? It is taken from the Advanced Example from the MidiBus library.

I tried to solve this for long, googled for it and read the documentation , you are my last help ;-)

regards, Jakob


  • Have you set up a virtual MIDI port to send messages between applications? In my experience different programs don't see other programs' MIDI ins and outs. Methods for doing that depend on which OS are you using, in OS X you can do it in the audio settings while on Windows you can use something like Midi-Loop. That gives you a virtual port for you to hook up as required.

    Hope that helps.

  • edited December 2013

    Thanks for answer. Jap, i'm on OSX and there is a virtual IAC open and i can communicate from processing to Ableton. Checked all settings and can see the ports ans Notes in "MIDI Monitor"


  • try using TheMidiBus library - it has worked great for me (best of the solutions I tested).

  • +1 for The MidiBus.

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