Who do I get size() cannot be used here ?

class Slider 
  Slider mySlider ;

  int  x, y ,w=180,h = 10 ,rctx;
  boolean locked ;
  Slider (int x , int y  ){
    this.x = x ;
    this.y = y ;
    locked = true ; }

    void lock () 
      locked = true ; 
     void unlock ()
     {if (mouseX>=x-w/2 && mouseX<= x+w/2 &mouseY>= y-h/2 && mouseY<= y+h/2)
     locked = false;
     void drag() 
       if (locked==false)
     void display()
     x=constrain (x,rctx,rctx+w);
Slider mySlider ;
void setup()
{  size(300, 100);
   mySlider = new Slider (10,10);

  void draw()
    background (255);


    void mousePressed()
    void mouseDragged()
    void mouseReleased()

Basic slider class and driver the code runs with a small window .For any value larger than (100 100) I get a weird message about size() cannot be used here .



  • consider using ctrl-t in processing to auto-format your code in processing

    it runs for me though

  • for me it doesn't and really I have no idea why it doesn't .

  • class Slider 
      //  Slider mySlider ; // ?????????????????????????????????????
      int  x, y, 
        w=180, h = 10, 
      boolean locked ;
      Slider (int x, int y  ) {
        this.x = x ;
        this.y = y ;
        locked = true ;
      void lock () 
        locked = true ;
      void unlock ()
        if (mouseX>=x-w/2 && 
          mouseX<= x+w/2 &&
          mouseY>= y-h/2 &&
          mouseY<= y+h/2)
          locked = false;
      void drag() 
        if (!locked)
      void display()
        x=constrain (x, rctx, rctx+w);
        rect(rctx, y, 180, 10);
        fill(128, 128, 128);
        ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);
    }// class
    // ================================================================
    Slider mySlider ;
    void setup()
      size(1200, 500);
      mySlider = new Slider (10, 10);
    void draw()
      background (255);
    void mousePressed()
    void mouseDragged()
    void mouseReleased()
  • What do you have in your other tab?


  • edited March 2017

    you got a second tab

    what is in it ?

  • edited March 2017

    remember that tabs do not denote different sketches, but just different sections of one sketch that are stitched together when you run it

  • I have the slider class in the second tab

  • like you posted it above?

    try to bring it all into one tab and delete the other

    you have two times size I guess

    no size in the class please

    all } correct?

  • maybe setup needs to be in the tab with the file name?

  • i managed to reproduce it. and then i didn't.

    i don't like Main as a tab name though.

  • For some reason ,on my machine only , the problem was recurring . Upon altering the code on another machine the code ran properly on my machine .

  • it keeps happening though

  • Yes, it is not possible to read your screenshot. Copy and paste your code below and please format your code when you do so. To format, select the code and hit ctrl+o.


  • Size should be in setup, not draw.

    You set the size once, at the start, not every frame.

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