not working in JS mode help...

edited December 2013 in JavaScript Mode

hey guys my program works on java but not in js. what am i doing wrong please help.


boolean intersect;
float colx = 1000;
float coly = 400;
float colw = 100;
float colh = 100;

String gameState = "startScreen"; //make the state to be startscreen so it starts the game with that state

int framerate = 20; // variable for framerate

//PImage variables
PImage gameStart; 
PImage paused;
PImage backbtn;
int backX = 790; // backbtn X and Y posistion
int backY = 70;
PImage exitbtn;
int exitX = 60; // exitbtn X and Y position
int exitY = 70;
PImage pausebtn;
int pauseX = 790; // pause button X and Y position
int pauseY = 70;
PImage gameover;

int posX = 0;  //starting position of background Xaxis
int posY = 60; // starting position of background Yaxis
int posX2 = 1600; // starting position of background2 Xaxis
PImage [] bg; // array for background image

PImage egg;
int eggPos = 1000;

Player Runner;//stating Player class as Runner so the class Player can be called Runner instead
Bully bully;//stating Bully class as bully so the class Bully can be called bully instead

int Score = 0; //strating score

//audio import
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer Jump;
AudioPlayer Slide;
AudioPlayer Start;

void setup() {

  size(1000, 600);

 //load images
  gameStart = loadImage("TitleBully.png");
  paused = loadImage("pause.png");
  backbtn = loadImage("backbtn.png");
  exitbtn = loadImage("exitbtn.png");
  pausebtn = loadImage("pausebtn.png");
  gameover = loadImage("Gameover.png");

  minim = new Minim(this); //load the minim for the audios

  bg = new PImage[2]; // bg images
  bg[0] = loadImage ("background0.png");
  bg[1] = loadImage ("background1.png");

  Runner = new Player(); //load the runner from Player class
  Runner.loadImages(); //makes loadImages a function so it can form a void

  bully = new Bully(); //load the bully from the Bully class
  bully.loadImages(); //makes loadImages a function. (Runner.)means the loadImages()was loaded from the Runner class

  egg = loadImage("egg.png");

   boolean intersect (float x1, float y1, float w1, float h1, float x2, float y2, float w2, float h2)
  if (x1+w1 > x2 && x1 < x2+w2 && y1+h1 > y2 && y1 < y2+h2)
    return true;
    return false;

void draw() {
  if (gameState == "startScreen") { //condition when the state of the game is changed to startScreen or when game is exited
    startScreen(); //opens startscreen function
    Score = 0; //makes the score 0
    posX = 0; //resets the position of the backgrounds
    posX2 = 1600;
    colx = 1000;
    coly = 400;
    colw = 20;
    colh = 50;
  else if (gameState == "playgame"){ //condition when the state of the game is changed to playgame or when game is played
    playGame(); //opens playGame function
  else if (gameState == "pauseScreen"){ //condition when the state of the game is changed to pauseScreen or when is paused
    paused(); //opens paused function
  else if (gameState == "gameOver"){

//START MENU...........................................................................................
void startScreen(){ //startScreen function
  gameState = "startScreen"; //makes the state of the game into startScreen

  image(gameStart,0,0);// load image. the start menu

  fill(#094CD8); //colour for the text
  text("TAP  ANYWHERE  TO  START", 300, 520); //writes text

  if (mousePressed && gameState == "startScreen"){ //condition. if the mouse is pressed AND the state of the game is startScreen, 
    gameState = "playgame"; // then change the state to playgame which will run the playGame function

void paused(){ //paused function
  gameState = "pauseScreen"; //makes the state of the game into pauseScreen which is pause

  image(paused,0,0); //bg for pause screen
  image(backbtn,backX,backY,140,50); //load image for back button
  image(exitbtn,exitX,exitY,140,50); //load image for exit button

  if (mousePressed && gameState == "pauseScreen"){ //condition. if the mouse is pressed AND the state of the game is pauseScreen
    if (mouseX >=backX && mouseX<=930 && mouseY >=backY && mouseY<= 120){ //condition inside a condition. if the mouse pointer is less than or equal to the size of the buttons basiclly
    gameState = "playgame"; //if conditions are met, then it changes the state of the game to playgame which resumes the game
  if (mousePressed && gameState == "pauseScreen"){ //condition. if the mouse is pressed AND the state of the game is pauseScreen
    if (mouseX >=exitX && mouseX<=200 && mouseY >=exitY && mouseY<= 120){ //condition inside a condition. if the mouse pointer is less than or equal to the size of the buttons basiclly
    gameState = "startScreen"; //if conditions are met, then it changes the state of the game to startscreen which will reset the game

void GAMEOVER(){
  gameState = "gameOver";


  text("Score:"+Score, 387, 100);

  if (mousePressed && gameState == "gameOver"){
    if (mouseX >=exitX && mouseX<=200 && mouseY >=exitY && mouseY<= 120){ 
    gameState = "startScreen";

void playGame(){  //playGame function
  gameState = "playgame"; //states that the state of the game is playgame
  /*Start = minim.loadFile("184149__wancle__ac-bel.wav");;*/ 
  frameRate(framerate); //framerate. has the variable int framrate so we can change the framrate if needed
  smooth(); //smooths the transition of animations if changing the framerate
  image(bg[0], posX, posY); // loads 1st background
  movebackground(); //calls movebackground function fro the backgroung to move
  image(bg[1], posX2, posY); //loads 2nd background
  loopbg();  //calls loopbg function to loop the background
  Keys(); //calls Keys funstion
  Runner.checkState(); //loads checkstate function from Runner(Player) and bully(Bully) classes


  image(egg, eggPos, 280, 50, 65);

  image(pausebtn,790,70,140,50); // image for the pause button

  if (mousePressed && gameState == "playgame"){ //condition. if the mouse is pressed AND the state of the game is playgame
    if (mouseX >=backX && mouseX<=930 && mouseY >=backY && mouseY<= 120){ //condition inside a condition. if the mouse pointer is less than or equal to the size of the buttons basiclly
     gameState = "pauseScreen"; //if conditions are met then the gamestate changes to pauseScreen to pause the game

  if (keyPressed && gameState == "playgame"){
    if (key == 'g'){
      gameState = "gameOver";


  fill(0); // colour of the text for the score
  text("Score:"+Score, 40, 100); //loads the score on the screen

  Score++;//score keeps adding 1

  if (Score >= 50) { //if the score reaches 50 or above, it wil start adding 5 each frame so that the score looks more
  /*if (Score >=1000) {
   if (Score >=1500) {
   if (Score >=2000) {

//PLAYER MOVEMENT.................................................................................
  if (Runner.State == "run") { // if the runner's state is run, load the images of the runner and the bully running
    image(Runner.Runman[Runner.images], Runner.x, Runner.y, Runner.w, Runner.h);
    image(bully.Runman[bully.images], bully.x, bully.y, 193, 253);

  if (Runner.State == "slide") { // if the runner's state is slide, load the images of the runner and the bully sliding
    image(Runner.Runman[9], 300, 360, 253, 193);
    image(bully.Runman[9], 20, 360, 253, 193);

  if (Runner.State == "jump" || Runner.State == "fall") { // if the runner's state is jump and/or fall, load the images of the runner and the bully jumping/falling
    image(Runner.Runman[8], Runner.x, Runner.y, Runner.w, Runner.h);
    image(bully.Runman[8], bully.x, bully.y, 193, 253);

void movebackground() { // movebackground function
  if (posX <= 1600) { //if posX or posX2 is less than or equal to 1600
    posX-=2; // then the bg move left by to every frame
  if (posX2 <= 1600) {

void loopbg() { //if the posX2/bg2 reaches -600 posX/bg1 loads at 1000 in the X axis 
  if (posX2 == -600) {
    posX = 1000;
  if (posX == -600) { //if the posX/bg1 reaches -600 posX2/bg2 loads at 1000 in the X axis 
    posX2 = 1000;

void keyReleased() { // key released function
  if (keyCode == DOWN) { //makes it so that the player and bully goes back to their original position after sliding and go back to their original state which is run
    Runner.State = "run";
    Runner.y = 270;
    bully.State = "run";
    bully.y = 270;

void Keys() { //opens Keys function
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (keyCode == UP && Runner.State == "run") { // if the UP key is pressed and the runner state is run, the player and the bully chages their state into jump
      Runner.State = "jump";
      bully.State = "jump";
      Jump = minim.loadFile("172205__fins__jumping.wav"); //plays jump audio; 
    if (keyCode == DOWN && Runner.State == "run") { // if the DOWN key is pressed and the runner state is run, the player and the bully chages their state into slide
      Runner.State = "slide";
      bully.State = "slide";
      Slide = minim.loadFile("95557__robinhood76__01662-cartoon-jump.wav");; // plays slide audio

void Collision(){
  if (intersect(Runner.x,Runner.y,Runner.w,Runner.h, colx, coly, colw, colh)){
    gameState = "gameOver";
class Bully
  float x = 10;
  float y = 270;
  String State = "run";

  int maxImg = 10;
  int images = 0;

  PImage [] Runman = new PImage[maxImg];

  void loadImages()
    for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
      Runman[i] = loadImage("Bully" + i + ".png");

  void Running()
    if (images < 7){
    if (images == 7){
      images = 0;
      y = 270;

  void jumping(){
    if (State == "jump"){
      if (y <= 100){
        State = "fall";

  void falling(){
    if (State == "fall"){
      y +=10;
      if (y == 270){
        State = "run";


  void checkState()
    if (State == "run"){
    if (State == "jump"){
       else if (State == "fall"){

class Player 
  float x = 300;
  float y = 270;
  float w = 193;
  float h = 253;

  String State = "run";

  int maxImg = 10;
  int images = 0;

  PImage [] Runman = new PImage[maxImg];

  void loadImages()
    for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
      Runman[i] = loadImage("Player" + i + ".png");

  void Running()
    if (images < 7){
    if (images == 7){
      images = 0;
      y = 270;

  void jumping(){
    if (State == "jump"){
      if (y <= 100){
        State = "fall";

  void falling(){
    if (State == "fall"){
      y +=10;
      if (y == 270){
        State = "run";


  void checkState()
    if (State == "run"){
    if (State == "jump"){
       else if (State == "fall"){

any ideas?


  • does minim work in javascript mode?

  • i took out the minim and its now working thanks. i really wanted audio though but thans

  • remember its just a js library for processing and it can be combined with other libraries the same way you use any other javascript on the web. If you really want the audio, something like this sound library might help you out

  • @koogs minim does work when you put your code on openprocessing. I have seen some example using minim and I am pretty sure openprocessing runs code in javascript mode. Here is a bitcraft application

  • accepts both Java Applets (Java Mode) and Processing.JS (JavaScript Mode).

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