Fullscreen resolution

edited December 2016 in Android Mode

Hello, I have just installed the AndroidMode and wanted to try porting some programs I made in Java mode. There are a few that process all pixels on screen, which is why I don't use fullscreen resolution on my Desktop. Is there a way I can set a lower resolution on my phone but still using fullscreen? Passing numbers smaller than 'displayWidth' and 'displayHeight' to the size() method will draw a smaller canvas :/

This example program runs at 2FPS on my Samsung Galaxy S7:



  • So you want to display something across full screen, but don't process as many pixels?

    I propose you render to a separate PGraphics, then use image() to display that PGraphics using displayWidth and displayHeight as the width and height arguments.

  • That's exactly what I meant. This pixel processing might work when I will use shaders, but with the method used in my example that won't work. Thanks for your answer :)

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