Multiple processing Screens at once?

edited December 2016 in p5.js

Hi, everyone :) I've made this website, I want more than processing screen to be up at once, so there be smaller so about five beside each other? Does anyone know how?

Thanks Harry


  • that's already maxing out my cpu and making my laptop unresponsive and you want to add another 4?

  • It doesn't matter if it causes the computer to glitch kind of the point, and I'll simplify it a bit once I've worked out how to do it?

  • Hi GoToLoop I'm sorry but That whole conversation kind of goes over my head, is there anyway you can go through it with me:) ? thanks!

  • You can ask me exactly what you haven't understood. 8-X

  • Okay, let me rephrase so that I can tell you my progress.

    At the moment I'm trying to create two separate javascript canvas to go beside each other, so different letters can be shown on each box?

    I've started separating them into separate javascript codes, and have tried using Div's to locate each one- if you go and view my code on the website you might see what I mean.

    In all honestly though I'm kind of making educated guessing and it's getting me nowhere haha...

    Does this make sense?

  • I would recommend you to check out this video on instance mode by Daniel Shiffman. It provides a good introduction to instance mode in p5.js.

  • Shall give it a watch now, will probably stop me staring at the code hoping it will do it itself anyway haha! thank you :)

  • edited December 2016

    At the moment I'm trying to create two separate javascript canvas to go beside each other, so different letters can be shown on each box?

    Are those 2 canvas instances of the same sketch, or each 1 got their own JS code? :-/

  • At the moment the same sketch, hopefully by the time I finish this their own code, trying to do it with the video posted above now.

  • If those canvas are simply instances of the same sketch code, you should take a look at my <iframe> approach at the link below:

    See it an action online too:

  • Okay- I can't seem to get this to work but you seem to know your stuff.

    On the website when i enter a letter it loads up a letter, all i want to do it manage to make it so you can type words in, so say when it loads up a letter, that letter will remain and the next one will load in a different place,

    do you have any idea? I'm sure i'm confusing this :/

  • your approach looks great by the way!

  • edited December 2016

    Perhaps you're using some wrong terminology. What do you mean by "load up" a letter? :-/
    Do you really need 2 canvas in order to display your letters? :-?

  • I probably am, self-teaching myself for a project, it's causing a struggle...

    Not really know, I just need the letters to become words, but I can't figure out a way to do it :/

    so if when you type, currently 'key' is used so it will show the keyPressed, but I need it so that key remains, even after a new one is pressed? So that eventually a word could be formed, whether it's legible doesn't matter...

  • edited December 2016

    You can simply concatenate each key as 1 string using the + operator:

    let word;
    function draw() {
      text(word, width>>1, height>>1);
    function keyTyped() {
      word += key;
  • edited December 2016
    var rand;
    var r;
    var A;
    var speed = 0.5;
    var randomX;
    var randomY;
    var randomH;
    var randomW;
    var word;
    function setup () {
       // var myCanvas=createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
         var myCanvas=createCanvas(450, 450);
     // createCanvas (500, 500);
      A = random(50,400);
      B = random(50,700);
      rand = random(0,3);
      r = random(100);
    function draw() {
      // console.log(rand);
      switch (round(rand)) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2: 
    function drawColours() {
      frameRate(random(0, 100));
      background(105, 105, 105);
      fill(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255));
      text(key, B, A);
    function drawGlitch() {
    frameRate(random(0, 100));
      background(105, 105, 105);
      fill(0, 0, 0);
      if (r > random(100)) {
        A = A + speed;
        if (A > 125) {
          speed = -speed;
        if (A < r) {
          speed = -speed;
        text(key, B, A);
    function drawOpacity() {
      background(105, 105, 105);
      fill(0, 0, 0, random(0, 100));
      text(key, B, A);
  • I have shortened the code for you, so I apologise it's messy.

    How would that work within this then? :)

  • There you go, I've editted the one above.

  • This is the statement you use to display your letter: text(key, B, A);

    You need to understand that key simply represents the last key pressed:

    If you need to remember past keys, you're gonna need to save them somewhere. L-)

  • Yeah that's what I thought, so is there no way of doing it so I can form words?

  • I've already explained that you can concatenate each key in 1 string in my previous example.

  • Okay I shall try that, and get back to you.

  • edited January 2017

    Some recent discussions:

  • honestly i think i'm because stupid, because I can't work out how to do any of this. :/

  • @plowrighth - you declare a variable word so when a letter key is pressed (see keyTyped) you can concatenate the value with the word variable:

    word += key

    Then instead of outputting the value of key in draw() just output the value of word...

    You might also want to set a limit on the word length; or reset it to an empty string at a certain length; or allow the user to reset it...

  • sorry if too naive, for thinking you haven't thought of it, but not using background is an option... second, use arrays, learn about arrays, the reference is enough... declare the var to be [], and store each new one with append, the next one, and over and over, then you can choose which parts of the array to show if so... putting the var to command text instead of key... oh and blindfish aproach could be easier, but, your choices... good luck

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