P5js or Processing JS in Tumblr

edited November 2016 in JavaScript Mode

Hi, is there a way to add an interactive sketch on Tumblr?

I found this: http://opensourceart.tumblr.com/post/17533740730/how-to-embed-processingjs-sketches-into-tumblr with Processing JS but it doens't run or I'm making something wrong.

Could I post something like that in Tumblr?




  • Answer ✓

    Well, I did it! The problem was that I didn't put ALL the code in a same line, only the Processing Code.

    " (...)is that the code has to be done with no carriage returns, as in you can’t hit enter and have your code on individual lines.(...)"

    My post here

    Now i'm looking for a way to put Processing sketches with external images.


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