MidiBus send midi message

edited September 2016 in Library Questions

I try to send CC message or Note to an other application, but I fail :( I try with Vezer to send at Daslight4, that's work fine. So I want make a samething with my sketch not with Vezer

here my bad try to do :

import themidibus.*;
MidiBus bus ;
void setup() {
bus = new MidiBus(this, 0, "Stuff") ;
bus.addOutput("Stuff") ;
void draw() {
int channel = 0 ;
int number = 23 ;
int value = (int)random(127) ;
bus.sendControllerChange(channel, number, value) ;


  • Your code, slightly modified, works for me. I changed "Stuff" to a midi device that already exists on my computer. I can see it working with another running sketch that is set up as a Midi receiver.

    Have you already created the Midi device "Stuff", outside of your sketch (and Processing)? You need to do that before running your sketch. You can use the MidiBus.list() method in setup() to list all available Midi inputs and outputs.

    Also, you don't need the statement bus.addOutput("Stuff") because the device is added with the statement bus = new MidiBus(this, 0, "Stuff").

    Have you looked at the theMidiBus example named Basic? That might be helpful.

  • thx for your answer, I try what you say ASAP. I hope that work.

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