Android WIFI TCP Communication - can not communication

edited September 2016 in Android Mode

Hi, nice to meet you. Please help me.

#1. Hardware 1) Smartphone 2) ESP8266-01 & Arduino

#2. Software Processing 1) TCP Communication Code


` import oscP5.*; import netP5.*;

OscP5 oscP5tcpServer;

OscP5 oscP5tcpClient;

NetAddress myServerAddress;

void setup() {
  /* create  an oscP5 instance using TCP listening @ port 11000 */
  oscP5tcpServer = new OscP5(this, 22000, OscP5.TCP);

  /* create an oscP5 instance using TCP. 
   * the remote address is @ port 11000 = the server from above
  oscP5tcpClient = new OscP5(this, "", 22001, OscP5.TCP);

void draw() {

void mousePressed() {
  /* the tcp client sends a message to the server it is connected to.*/
  oscP5tcpClient.send("/test", new Object[] {new Integer(1)});

void keyPressed() {
  /* check how many clients are connected to the server. */

void oscEvent(OscMessage theMessage) {
  /* in this example, both the server and the client share this oscEvent method */
  System.out.println("### got a message " + theMessage);
  if(theMessage.checkAddrPattern("/test")) {
    /* message was send from the tcp client */
    OscMessage m = new OscMessage("/response");
    m.add("server response: got it");
    /* server responds to the client's message */


#3. Problem 1) TCP Comunication - Smartphone → ESP8266-01 & Arduino : Very Well ** 2) TCP Comunication - ESP8266-01 & Arduino → Smartphone** : Error and Shut Down.

**I do not know what the reason. **

I hope someone hoping to me is hope. Please answer fast.



  • Answer ✓

    What does your error say? Can you post it, copy and past the error output from the processing console. One thing to keep in mind when you run the sketch on your phone is to add permission to use internet.


  • Solve~, The problem was a problem Protocol.


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