Pixel Fonts

edited November 2013 in How To...

I want to use an 8-bit-style pixel font. There are quite a few available online as TTF, e.g. this one. I can load this with createFont however the type is displaying anti-aliased - I wanted it to display aliased and pixel-for-pixel compared to the original font. I tried creating a VLW but not sure what size to set.

Is there an easy way to do this? Are there alternative methods such as using a sprite sheet as a font with createFont?


  • VLW files are actually sprite sheets...

    "not sure what size to set"
    I don't understand this part. Set the size you will use, no?

  • Thanks for the reply!

    "not sure what size to set"
    I don't understand this part. Set the size you will use, no?

    In my experience with pixel fonts as TTF there is a specific point size you are meant to set it at to get the character pixels to show as intended (8x8 tiles), sometimes the font creator provides this info. E.g., you set the font at 10pt, and that gives you 8x8 sharp characters.

    In the end I just turned off smoothing with Tools > Create Font and tried lots of sizes until it was correct. For the font I linked it was size 19-21.

    Do you know of any libraries for rendering fonts distributed as sprite sheets? Or are there docs for creating a VLW?

    There are some cool fonts from old arcade games…

    Namco Moon Cresta font

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